Jan 26, 2006 04:34
Hmmm.. I'm cold.
Things that suck:
-being cold
-being tired
-having our brother wake you up to clean a pan ([my door was lock and lights off] *series of knocks* *series of knocks* *series of knocks* *series of knocks* *series of knocks* *series of knocks* me: *unintelligble something* *series of knocks* *series of knocks* me: *gets up to door* what? matt: you forgot to clean the pan. me: *glare* you woke me up for that? matt: you could've cleaned it earlier. me: *disbelief* [more arguing to which i end with a mumbled "fuck you," close the door and back to sleep.)
-realizing that you aren't logged in and having to go back and read many posts because you don't know how long this has been
My schedule kicks ass.
Comparative religions (Keune)
Psych (Keune) (<-I just have to move across the room! Hah!)(And now I actually want to not sleep. (I slept most of 2nd period psych 2nd quarter.)
Physics (Jefferis) (too early. and I am going to be perpetually distracted. Ogechi sits in front of me, Bryce behind, and Dan next to me.)
English (Russell!!!!!!) (I originally had Blum, but I miraculously got Russell! HAH!)
Newspaper (Goodman)
Stat/Nonsense (Reading) (We know what class I won't be attending. (Not that it was much better when I had it first period, but it's between my newspaper classes... yeah.))
Newspaper (Goodman)
It's awesome. Like perfect schedule. (Last semester was almost perfect except I had Benedict. (Hence the falling asleep. We didn't learn! *sigh* But now I get to! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!))
In psych, we had story time. ^.^*
We had the gym for all of practice on Tuesday!! It was hot sex and we got so much done.
Weekend was good times.
One Acts are next week. So is Coffeehouse. Both at which I will be performing. Meep!
(Next weekend: Thursday-Coffeehouse (missing rehearsal, but it's dandy). Friday-One Acts. Saturday-Rehearsal 10-5(or whenever I need to leave if I need to leave early), then One Acts. Sunday-die. YAY!) Weekend after that equals first competition. MEEP!
It was cold and windy-cold today. It snowed a little, but not much. Didn't stick. :(
I need to figure out what is up with my knees so that I can fix it so they don't die, because they're kind of useful.
I'm kind of out of it. SHOP equals happy. (Chris got my reference in the car! YAY!)
Oh! And I crew'd yesterday and today. I felt useful. Useful equals good. (And then I lay down my working hat.)
I still need to call. I won't have time tomorrow, so Friday. I must on Friday. I must. I may go home right afterschool to do so, and then maybe whatever. And they sent the e-mail Monday. :( I hate doing this.
Okay, I'ma go to bed now. Maybe read some Hamlet. Maybe. Although I know it enough to get by in class without reading. (We did it for the "Miss Frizzle's" class. I was the drunken gravedigger. It made me happy. (Why I got the part: Everyone before me read the lines. I got down on my knees, "dug," "drank" and read. Yay fourth grade!) Alyssa was Hamlet in Act 3, Scene 1 ("To be or not to be..")(<-I used to know it by heart.). She begged for that part. She was happy. It was fun. I liked Ms. Norris (Norris-Krevor, rather. She got married that summer.))
And yes. Night.
to die, to sleep. to sleep, perchance to dream.
one acts,