First off, I'd like to say
hot damn! *envy* (Me=not so creative. I usually just end up destroying things instead. *hangs head*)
But this weekend has been rather interesting.
Friday--, well, nothing really happened Friday (or at least, that I remember).
Yesterday, was very fun. Mall crawl. Hung out with awesome people, got some nifty items (like black and pink stripey socks). And Mischa was my cashier at Hot Topic. ^.^* Amusements abound! (squishy. double-ended. scary elephant.)
Made him spend the night because there was no way in hell I was letting him be stuck. His mum made him come home earlier today and, yes.
Today I gots me another pair of fake-me-out chucks. YAY! (I would've bought more, 'cepting there weren't any more in my size. (Theys is on clearance (clearance is the best thing evar) at Target if anyone is interested. They make me happy! ('Cept when snow gets them wet, theeeeeen not so much, but I still love them.)))
Aidan now has my mobile number. Talked to him for awhile earlier, but when he called after that, I didn't have enough energy to talk (I fell asleep in the middle of something earlier). And then Alice called, 'cept I wasn't quite comprehending things and had to have things repeated to me, and I was still quite fuzzy.
Oh! And we finally got a tree. It's sitting in the living room, undecorated and still in the twine.
I'm really slow. I was looking in my big bag for my mobile for several minutes, and then I realised, "Oh. It's in my pocket." *Mister Forehead meets Mister Palm*
Placebo makes me very happy. (Especially since my brother was listening to TATU earlier. I mean, I can handle them in small doses, but all he's been listening to, it seems, is TATU and Mylene Farmer. I love them both dearly, but I want to stab my ears at this point. Which is why I'm listening to Placebo. ('e hates 'em.))
Do I seem approachable? Open? just wondering...
Year in review by the months.
1. Did you have a new year's resolution this year?
I don't think I've made one for awhile now. So, I suppose not.
2.Who kissed you at midnight?
I had no one. *sob* *laughs* (We had like three midnights, all of which we missed. (I forget what we were doing at the time, but we fifteen minutes afterward, we were like, "Oh. It's a new year. Whoops."))
3. Does it snow where you live?
I would cry if it didn't. (I want to make an igloo! More snow, please.)
4. Do you like hot chocolate?
Yes. I also like tea. Yay tea. Hot coffee equals not so much, but iced coffee equals always.
5. Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop?
I have never been to New York. Does that answer your question? XD
1. Who was your Valentine in 2005?
Me? Valentine? *laughs* Did I even do anything for Valentines'? Wait, was I even at school for Valentines'? I have the impression that I was sick that day. *checks* Yup. I was sick.
2. What did your valentine get you?
My dad was a dear and got Godiva for my mum and I. (I don't see why they're so special, they aren't that good.)
3. When you were little, did you buy Valentine's for your whole class?
Duh. (In second grade, the day before, when we were getting Valentines' for me to give out, we got into a car accident. Nothing too major, but it was freaky as all hell, and my sister's feet were on my head (I was sitting shotgun).)
1. Are you Irish?
No. But I'm Russian. Does that count? (We drink the same amounts. XP)
2. Do you wear green on St. Patty's Day?
Eh, if I feel like it. (I will beat you if you pinch me. No. Not really. I'll just pinch you back.)
3.What did you do for spring break?
Espagne avec les petits. (I went to Spain with the eight graders, and there were a bunch of us high schoolers there and it was so much fun. I would do it again. Well, maybe not all of it. XP)
1. Do you like the rain?
I dislike warm rain, but I love getting soaked. Jumping in puddles is also fun. (So is squishing mud. I am such a little kid.)
2. Did you play an April Fool's joke on anyone this year?
I don't think so.
3. Do you get tons of candy on Easter?
I was in Spain on Easter. (I got a scary looking fish for dinner the night before. Which I didn't eat.)
1. What's your favorite kind of flower?
Anything not typical. I mean, get me a bunch of dandelions and I'll be happy. ^.^* Something interesting. Pick me flowers if you really want. I don't know. I'm actually not picky, but if I have a choice, something weird and/or weird-coloured. (Like a dyed carnation, or even not a usual colour. Carnations or daisies over roses any day.)
2. Do you like the spring?
Eh. Nothing going on. Well, my birthday, but usually there's little going on with the paper and no guard, and honestly, rather boring.
3. Finish the phrase: April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
Yer mom.
4. What would you think of as a spring color?
Yellow. Pink. I think. Blue. I don't know.
1. What year do you graduate from school?
2006. (I don't wanna! You can't make me. I'll just fail English.)
2. Did you go on a Vacation?
We shall not speak of this. (Unless you really want me to, but I'd rather not.)
1. What did you do on the 4th of July?
My sister was being *scratch out* herself. I had to go with her and her then-boyfriend (who was/is a sweetheart. she broke up with him while I was there. in front of me) to his friends' house to watch the fireworks. My sister got on-the-verge-of-drunk, I talked to a guy who was under the impression that I was a junior in college (no, he wasn't chatting me up), and once we got back to her apartment, had a pleasant chat with her boy while she was out like a light on the floor with his dog.
2. Do you go on any vacations during this month?
*points up*
1. Did you do anything special to end your summer?
Band camp! ^.^* I love me some band camp.
2. What was your favorite summer memory of '05?
Hmmm... band camp. XP
3. Do you go swimming a lot in the summer?
When we lived in the apartments, I did a lot. Now, I almost never go.
4. Do you go to the beach a lot?
For a few years, we went to the beach for a week with another family, but we haven't for awhile. I think we went over memorial day weekend this year, but 'sides that I don't think so.
1. Did you attend school/college in '05?
2. Who is/Was your favorite teacher?
Does we really need to ask this? Goodman.
3. Do you like fall better than summer?
The weather is better. As fun as band camp is, the eight-hour days, in the heat, are killer.
1. What was your favorite Halloween costume ever?
I don't really have one. But I was amused by the one my friend referred to as a hooker. XP
2. What is your favorite candy?
Sugar is sugar. (It depends on the mood. Although, that green tea chocolate was yummy.)
3. What did you dress up like this year?
Uh, I stuck on wings on my back, wore what I wore to school that day, when my awesome brother forced me to go with him because he wasn't having me mope. (He was supposed to meet his friend, and I was walking him there. He wanted to trick-or-treat on the way. And when we were going to the first house, he pulled a bag for me from his pocket. I love my little brother. He's kick ass. And if you say otherwise, I will kick you ass.)
1. Whose house do you usually go to for Thanksgiving?
2. Do you like stuffing?
We don't eat stuffing. (Actually, I don't think I've ever had stuffing.)
3. What are you thankful for?
A lot of things. All of which I'm currently too lazy to list.
1. Do you celebrate Christmas?
2. Have you ever been kissed under mistletoe?
No. It's cute, though.
3. What do you want this year for Christmas?
Um, nothing really. I like nifty things, though.
4. What's the best present you ever got for Christmas?
My rifle (oh wait, that was a rather belated birthday present) (and it is not the properly-weighted one that is currently in my house, my baby is at school). Um, tie between my cookbook (Nigella Lawson is a goddess) and my boombox.
5. Do you like cold weather?
I love the snow. I'd much rather be cold than hot. Especially since you can cuddle when it's cold. XP Speaking of which, it is freezing in my house. (Nothing new there.)
I so do loves me some Placebo. (Oh wow. It's an hour and half since I started this. But then again, I've been interrupted by dinner and parents who believe I'm actually working. (I am. Sort of. Half-heartedly, I suppose one could say.))
"With your feet on the air and your head on the ground"
"Je te le tirer un nouveau cul." Eheh heh heh heh heh.
My telepopmusik and backstreet boys cds are still missing. :(
I wants me some Eve 6. Hmmm.. I think I'll go listen to it later.
"All you need to make a movie is a gun and a girl."
I also still haven't gotten me my icons. Iconage!
I think I have a tea addiction. Recently, I have been drinking at least three cups a day. (Not that there's anything wrong with that... But today I had at least seven. *cough* Maybe because it's cold?)
It is almost winter break. Wow! (It doesn't feel like the holiday season at all to me. That is rather very weird.)
whee!/i ramble a lot, don't i?.