..yellow snow, yellow snow, yellow snow..

Dec 06, 2005 18:20

Today was alright.

Although, I kind of just didn't go to stat this morning. I was actually way on time to school, but I talked to Goodman until the bell rang, and then I remember the other reason why I was down there, and printed out my paper. By then, it was already a couple minutes into class, and not that Reading would care if I was late, but I just ended up not going to class. (Reading doesn't care. And apparently, we aren't doing anything for the next three days anyway because he decided we aren't? And it's not like the class is hard. It takes five-ten minutes to do the work (if working slowly) and that's it. Yeah, but I kind of just didn't go after one distribution day, and went to him later and he didn't care. It's great. Easy 100 (you can use two brain cells and get that grade), math credit, and so lax.)

OH! Yeah. I went to One Act auditions, don't know how I did. *shrug* 'Twas fun. Except when Stephanie tried to get me and Aidan to pretend we were rolling on the floor making out. No. Just no. ("I want you to get comfortable with strangers." Really, wouldn't have cared if it was someone else in the group, but Aidan, just no.

But 'twas fun. Talking to people and such otherwise. Yes.

OHOHOHOHO! I FIGURED OUT HOW TO DO THE TEXT WRAP IN INDESIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WEEN! *dances like a crazy mad mofo*

"Yeah. I've done that before. (For clarification purposes, I actually walked into the stop sign, not ran. *pouts and crosses arms like a five year-old* I was distracted. *coughcoughditzcoughcough*)

And according to Casey, I should dye my hair blond? But then again, he also said-- er, nevermind.

Ha. And a military recruiter called. *laughs*

May someone please explain to me why it is constantly so cold in my house? *runs off to turn the heat up* Someone please explain to me why the hell it is 50 degrees?

Ho hum. Can't think of anything else that you would really care about. By "you," meaning whoever the hell is deciding to waste time by reading my thoroughly long posts aa well as these side explanations of the experimental definitions of terms such as "you." (<-If you actually read that paragraph, you deserve a cookie.)

Why has my brother been playing TATU for the past couple days? I mean, the Russian versions are pretty good, but after listening to them for so long, I kind of want to bang my head against a wall.

I'm glad it snowed. Even though we only got a two-hour delay. *pout* But I really do like snow. Except when you're trying to build an igloo and your smart butt decides to only clad itself in a pair of jeans and a jacket. (I may or may not have been wearing gloves that time, as well.)

Too bad there's not enough snow for an igloo. When there is enough, does anyone want to help me in my endeavour?

Why igloos? I used to build them on the front lawn, when I was little. They had chairs and a bed and everything. So nifty!

Sad fact: I've been awake since five am this morning. (I couldn't go back to sleep.)

baby, it's cold outside.

one acts, indesign genius, two hour delaty, auditions, igloo, stat, snow

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