Oct 27, 2004 21:07
Everywhere I go, I hear about this World Series. I was beginning to take some interest in it, but now I can't even stand to watch it. Boston this, Boston that. Every sports writer feels that it is their duty to write about how the Sox haven't won since 1918 and all I do is read the same bullshit over and over again. I was previewing the pre-game for the tonight's game, which HOPEFULLY may be the last, and all they did was show highlights for Boston, their "fans," etc. Nothing in the ten minutes I watched even hinted towards how great of a team they are playing. And yes, Bosotn is up 3-0, but still, you can't just all of a sudden say St. Louis isn't a good team. They not only made it to the World Series, but had the best record in the league. Now all of a sudden the whole shift of focus has been on the Boston Red Sox. Well, god damnit I'm sick and tired of it and I bet a lot of others are too. Everyone picks on the Yankees because they are a powerhouse and sign all the good players, but now the focus the Yankees got has been put onto the Sox and I am starting to hate them just as much. I don't care if they haven't won since 1918, maybe they don't deserve to. Hell, even the Tigers have won in the past 2 decades. I just can't wait til it's all over and everyone shuts up about how good Boston is and that they haven't won for a billion years. Hopefully, they win and the hype goes away. It would be funny if the Cards pulled a "BoSox" and came back to give them a taste of their own medicine. haha that'd be great, but then next year it will be all about "Can the Red Sox get back to the World Series?" So maybe it would be best for St. Louis just to lose and let them have their celebration. Hopefully, they'll all get haircuts after this is all over with. That's my two cents...