(no subject)

Jan 04, 2006 19:35

Pro-life is misogyny.

Pro-life is misogyny?!? Please.

"To me, the pro-life position is fundamentally disrespectful of women. It denies them the right to make decisions regarding their bodies and futures. It subverts their desires and needs in favor of the perceived ones of a fetus- a being that is incapable of any kind of perception. It treats them as nothing more than a vessel, a fetal container.
That's what their rhetoric boils down to no matter how much they sugarcoat it..." desperateopiate

"but another thing- taking away the right to decide for herself what she does with her own body is basically saying she isn't fit to make this decision, which puts her in an inferior position with something that only she should have control over." jazzyjess

A women's right to make decisions of what she does with her body is already protected by law. Rape, for instance, is a felony.

Women already have the right to choose who they want to have sex with. When you have sex there are a few things that could happen. One thing is that you could get pregnant. There's some new information! Doesn't everyone know the risks of having sex? I mean, having sex was originally for making babies, right?

To me the pro-abortion position is more disrespectful because it reduces a women's responsibility for her actions. When you make a conscious decision to act then that also means you have made a conscious decision to accept repercussion.

"I've had an abortion, and my story always makes the heads of pro-lifers spin off. I did it not just because having a child would have prevented me from going to college, having a life, and would have resulted in severe family conflict and the loss of my boyfriend, but because I simply did not want a child at that point in my life. desperateopiate

I had my son one week after my 16th birthday. I didn't even think about abortion because it was my decision to have sex in the first place. I figured if I felt I was responsible enough to have sex then I was responsible enough to face the consequences.

"I'm clearly not evil, misguided, or stupid, either." desperateopiate


"'taking sides with an unborn "being", over a living, breathing, woman with a future'(jazzyjess)
'Ummm.....doesn't the un-born child also have a future?'(shameinyou)

'Not before it's born it doesn't.'(jazzyjess)" -conversation between jazzyjess and shameinyou

Dictionary.com defines 'future' as:

1. The indefinite time yet to come: will try to do better in the future.
2. Something that will happen in time to come: “The future comes apace” (Shakespeare).
3. A prospective or expected condition, especially one considered with regard to growth, advancement, or development
4. futures Business. Commodities or stocks bought or sold upon agreement of delivery in time to come.
5. The form of a verb used in speaking of action that has not yet occurred or of states not yet in existence.
6. A verb form in the future tense.
That is to be or to come; of or existing in later time.

I assure you that babies don't lay dormant. I can refer you to some growth charts about trimesters and all that jazz. You need but ask.

"I have no problem calling them[pro-lifers]out on being misogynistic." desperateopiate

I like to think that women are intelligent enough to take care of their own bodies. I believe the real bare-bones argument of abortion is whether or not you think an unborn baby is alive or not. All the other arguments are bull-shit.

"I suppose where the biggest disagreement with pro-lifers and pro-choicers is if the un-born child is a human being or not." shameinyou


"I'm going to take a bet and assume that you understand the arguements behind the pro-choice mentality. It's about a woman's right to have her own life. Consequently- the decisions that women make are generally those that best affect herself-- and by proxy-- society." dannigrl212

"HOWEVER, I am pro-choice. If someone wants to do that to themselves, who am I to stop them? Not my body, not my decision." voiceboxx

"Pro-lifers generally believe (correct me if I'm mistaken) that there ought to be laws against abortion so that these "little human fetuses" will all have their right to live. I mean, that's what it's all about, right? The Laws. So, if you think that it's okay for us all to disagree and have our own opinion on the matter, would you also say it's alright for those women who disagree to get an abortion if they choose to?" brine_wings

Susan Smith wanted her own life. She chose to kill her children because she thought would best effect her life. It was her choice. Let's just drop all that 'life in prison' stuff. To each their own, right?

Why stop there?

Who are we to tell rapist, murders, and pedophiles what they can and can't do with their own bodies? Everyone has a right to choose anything they want to do!


Why is rape, murder, and pedophilia wrong? Because there is a victim.

I believe there is a victim in cases of abortion because I believe that from the moment of conception because at the moment an egg is fertilized all of the genetic information constituting the human person is present. A new, genetically distinct human organism! Nothing will be added subsequently except for nourishment and oxygen.

"I'm "pro-life"; who isn't?" jazzyjess

Does that mean you're a misogynist too?
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