Oct 17, 2010 12:07

Urrrgghhhh...more bullets and kittens shit.

i tried to make Badous hands look more like paws. :)
I had an argument with myself oh wither or not to add piercings on Haines ears or not. I wish i did beacuse Haines apparently not Haine without them...

BTW ichanged Tabbadou's design a bit and gave him black cat features so it will stand out against his hair. I was going to do the same for Haine but hes an albino so it wouldn't make sense.

,..wait..."Black Dog"?
oh well he looks better with white features. Atleast in my optinion.
I need help with Bishops design.I mean, hes technically a dog but "Fishop" just seems way too right.
i picked out names for everyone 8D
Haine is 'K9ei' (prounounced kay-NINE-ay) geddit? 8D
Badou is 'Tabbadou' (Tabby+badou)
Naoto is 'Naocrow' (shes a bird)
Mihai is 'Mousehai' (Mihai is SO a mouse)
I apologize for the complete retardation.

disclaimer: DOGS characters dont belong to me. All art seen in this entry does though.

haine, seriously what the fuck, miwa shirow, badou, dogs

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