Oct 06, 2006 07:29
Ok,for the last few months you know I haven't felt at ease with working with/for my step dad. We are meant to be business partners but I have never felt equal to him.
So I began to think what else I could do other than returning to child care that I did for 17yrs before the decorating.
I was sat with my friend Sarah last Friday doing her toes nails for her as she had a dinner/dance to go to. As I sat there puting on little star gems,,,,she said,,,,"why don't you do this?" I laughed and said..."Because I'm not that good"
Why do we all lack confidence in ourselves but continuously encourage others? I am so bad for that. I will encourage all my friends to follow their dreams and will help them as much as I can. When it's my turn to try something,I totally loose it and confidence hits the floor. But this time, after she had left I seriously thought about it, so much so, I ordered a beginners nail art book just to see. Last night I went and saw another friend who has her nails done regularly and asked her what she thought about it. Her reply was that courses are so cheap now(not the one I looked at!) that so many are doing it. Pooh,,,,,,,,I lost it then,,,,,,,and got downhearted for a while. But I thought.....Kirst, hang on,,,,,,,,your in work, why not try for the course and do some evening work to see if I can make it work.
Thats it, my book should be here soon,,,,,and I am going to do some research to see if it could work,,,,,,,,,,,watch this space!!