Yes kidz! It’s time for………
Peenot’s Phabulous Phun Korner!
Hey kids! Here’s a quick and fun activity for you to do, and amaze your friends and family with your p4@t l33ty p40t0540p 5k!llz in 3 easy steps!
Step 1: Take a mugshot of yourself with your shiny new digital camera.
Step 2: Open the file with photoshop™ on your computer.
Step 3: Use the rectangular marquee tool to select the left half of your face, and if done correctly, you should have a rectangular box dividing the picture from top to bottom into two left and right halves, with the nose equally divided between the two halves. Select from the parent menu Layer > New > Layer via Copy (or Shift + J). Then select Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal, also from the parent menu. Next, select the Move Tool from the left window menu (or press V) and move the layer around in the main photo area to match up the now-identical left and right halves of your face. Select from Layers > Merge Visible (or Shift + Ctrl + E) and then save the file under your favourite picture format. Remember to save it under a different file name so you don’t ruin the original!
Now wasn’t that easy, kids?
Step 4: Now do the same with the other side of your face by repeating step 3, but selecting the right half of your face this time with the marquee tool.
Highlight of the week:
One Tube of Superglue:
- $2.50
Electronic Vehicle Immobiliser:
- $89
Seeing Jigx sitting in his car with a tube of superglue stuck to his finger.
- Priceless
Yet another good reason to always have a camera with you.