Mar 12, 2005 16:46
if i...were king....of the FORRRRRRRRRRRRRStah:
i would have a t1 connection, or at least high speed internet
squirrels would bring me acorns
i would bring in foreign leaders for forrests/plains/etc i didn't like, shoot them, and then take over their forrest/plains/etc.
i would bring in foreign leaders for forrests/plains/etc i did like, shoot them too, and conquer their forrests/plains/etc. if youre the only one around, you're still the best.
i would have access to all the games that are modern but older. such as fallout 1 and 2, any of the monkey's island games besides the first one and newest ones, already beat those (and the 2nd one for that matter).
i would own the ewoks. in more ways than one.
i'd have reason to have underwear made from tree bark.