➹ 83 | Video

Oct 23, 2011 09:37

[The video is just of a Parisian cityscape, seen from fairly high up. Like on a roof. Tim won't be showing himself at all.]

You know, I never liked Paris. My memories of it aren't the best. But it could be worse - we could be in Madrid. Madrid is definitely the Gotham of Spain.

In my universe, anyway.

[A pause, and the camera turns off for a few moments. When it's on again, we're higher up, and the view is of where the Eiffel Tower should be. The debris has been cleared away, but there's a pretty wide swatch of destruction all around it. The base is being rebuilt.]

For anyone who's interested, this didn't happen naturally. It didn't just rust and fall down. You might run into trouble with local authorities, so try to keep an extra low profile.

[There's some shuffling out of view, and then Tim turns the camera on himself. It's carefully just on his head, and if you can see some material bunched around his shoulders and neck....it's a scarf. :|]

Sight seeing's kind of out of the question, I guess.

[And off goes the camera.]

((OOC: So Tim will mostly be looking into the Eiffel Tower incident, but he's so very open to spam anywhere. Because he needs to get out of that costume before he starts smelling too hideous, okay. OH and all his replies will be voice!]

dodging authorities ftw, psa especially americans, paris is not what its' marketed as, psa things are not as they appear, [comm] lastvoyages

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