➹ 77 | Video

Aug 18, 2011 22:16

[Tim is in Batman regalia. The video is mostly only showing his face. Which is hidden but for the jaw. His eyes are narrowed.]

Stop whining. Get your acts together and do your jobs.

If you're looking for entertainment? Find your inmates and do what you're here to do. [Meaning: Leave his alone. :|]

[Private to Sylar]


((OOC: OKAY SO Tim is very much affected. He's about 27, never takes off the costume, and he is SCARY. SO SCARY. He is the quietly intimidating son of a bitch you will be there behind you when you least expect it. He's used to being listened too on the rare occasions when he decides to address the barge. BASICALLY HE'S SCARY AND HAS NEVER HESITATED TO EXACT VIOLENCE ON THE PEOPLE AROUND HIM. Run. :c

OH ALSO I'll be replying with tookmeyears because I needed more icon space. :c))

good god why am i batman, mirror mirror on the scary wall, i'm a hypocrite, floooooooood, braaaainz, ps i use a gun, [comm] lastvoyages

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