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Feb 24, 2011 02:05

[Behold! Tim is capable of returning from a canon update without landing with a loud and resounding kerthunk on his floor. In fact, he is very comfortable sitting right here on his bed, device in hand.]

Hey. I'm back. [LIKE HE PROMISED. c: See guys, no reason to hate him forever.] What'd I miss?

[Private to Sylar]

Still mad at me?

[Private to ( Read more... )

happy tim what is this, dick gets a creative tag later, shego's my catwoman, braaaainz, vince go to rehab, [comm] lastvoyages

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Private gotgreenmagic February 24 2011, 07:45:05 UTC
[Your brief absence and lack of amnesia pleases irate girlfriend.]


...and yes.


Private peektuttut February 24 2011, 19:08:09 UTC
[No amnesia, but definitely never mentioning those other girls canon threw at him.]

Great. I'll be there in a minute.

[Or less then, because he is happy to see her and knocking as soon as he can reach the door.]


Spam gotgreenmagic February 24 2011, 19:10:52 UTC
[Boo you whore. :| But, happy in her ignorance, she will open the door a few seconds later.]

Hey you.


Spam peektuttut February 25 2011, 02:55:30 UTC
[Pretty much. :c But he's good at pretending things NEVER HAPPENED, so once the door's open, he's just leaning in to kiss her. There may ore may not be a jewelry box in his hand that he's only half hiding.]



Re: Spam gotgreenmagic February 25 2011, 06:52:51 UTC
[Oh hey you brought goodies. She will definitely close the distance and kiss him, putting one hand through his hair.]

Come in. [She steps back.] How long were you back home?


Re: Spam peektuttut February 25 2011, 17:17:56 UTC
[He will just pretend she did not see the goodies and just missed him as he walks in.]

A while. Months. Apparently it was only a couple days here?


Re: Spam gotgreenmagic February 25 2011, 18:32:04 UTC
[She missed him too, jerk, she's not a total whore. :c]

Yeah, you were barely gone. If it'd been longer I might've missed you.

[Teeny bit of a teasing tone there.]

So. How was Gotham?


Re: Spam peektuttut February 25 2011, 18:37:28 UTC
[No apparently that's his gig. :c]

Might've, ouch. It was good. It was...eventful. [He had a lot of catching up to do.] I got to see Bruce come back, and it was - it was really great. [He wasn't insane, he wasn't crazy, and his plans worked. This is all very, very important to him. c:]

I got the change to work with my friends again, too - have you met Kon yet? [He really wants them to get along, but. He has his doubts.]


Re: Spam gotgreenmagic February 25 2011, 19:15:29 UTC

Not really met as such. Might've, I dunno, bumped into him in the lunch queue or something. Big guy, wears a black shirt, right? I think he showed up in a month where I wasn't paying attention.

[This is really most months.]

Does this mean you're ahead of all your buddies now? That must get confusing.


Re: Spam peektuttut February 25 2011, 20:08:59 UTC
Isn't that most months? [He can tease too. c: Tim just shrugs one should, nodding a little.]

I think so, yeah. It's getting weird, but. Whatever. [And that's a solid shrug because now he's holding out the box he brought her, smiling. It's nod wrapped or anything because he'd do a horrible job of it, but inside is a pendant.] Here. Hope it's a good surprise.


Re: Spam gotgreenmagic February 25 2011, 20:15:39 UTC
[She renders her expression carefully neutral as she opens the box, although expectations are already high because, hello, Cartier. And...that is some classy jewellery right there.]

That is a really good surprise. [She offers the box back to him and half-turns, holding her hair up out of the way.] Put it on for me?


Re: Spam peektuttut February 25 2011, 20:25:05 UTC
[He likes when gifts go well. Pulling the necklace out of its box, he tossed the case on the nearest piece of furniture so he can clasp it with minimal fumbling.]

I was hoping you'd like it.


Re: Spam gotgreenmagic February 25 2011, 21:46:28 UTC
I'd be worried if you were hoping I wouldn't.

[She lets her hair drop - whole lotta weight there - and turns back around to face him, looking at him closely. It's weird. He doesn't look older as such, but...definitely different somehow. She'd have known something had changed, even if she hadn't seen it.]

You left me hanging a little bit on 'eventful'. I mean, I don't need months' worth of play-by-play, but at least sketch it out for me.


Re: Spam peektuttut February 25 2011, 22:15:35 UTC
That would make getting it in the first place kind of odd, wouldn't it.

[He smiled a little crookedly, though, then put on a faux thoughtful look, ticking off each bullet on his fingers.] Well, I got kicked out a window, my [ahaha not brother. :|] replacement tried to kill me again, I bought a rundown, abandoned movie theater to live in - I mean, it's still being renovated, but you know, after - I took my Neon Knights foundation international and went to Russia, spent some time in the Unternet, and got the chance to work with the Teen Titans again.

[And the crooked smile is back.] So should we address the names and lack of animal references first, or should I explain something else?


Re: Spam gotgreenmagic February 25 2011, 22:22:19 UTC
[She's just going to give him an exceptionally blank look for a few seconds because goddamn son why is your life so complicated.]

'Neon Knights'. Did you call it that? Because it sounds like a disco troupe.


Re: Spam peektuttut February 26 2011, 18:34:27 UTC
[It's the price of being both a super hero and an heir. :c]

Yeah. Probably could have found something better, but Gotham kind of has a theme. Their football team is the Knights...And a lot of people call Batman the Dark Knight, so I wanted to make a counterpoint.


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