(no subject)

Sep 22, 2005 08:16

I really don't like anything right now.
Even being happy,.... when i am, i feel like i'm faking it....

maybe it was all the drugs i've done in the past, maybe experiences i've gone through, maybe it's just me...
either way i hate it....

i'm sooo confused right now about everything....

i wish i had someone to validate everything.... so i know what i'm feeling , thinking and doing is right...
then again,...
i'm tired of trying to impress or please ppl ,
i've become such an angry person inside... and now on the outside too...
but all i can do is sit here and then get angry at the fact that all i am doing is sitting here, thinking of could haves should haves....

i wish i was numb, be alot better than depressed and down and angry.....
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