Jul 15, 2008 13:06
Reasons to be cheerful:
1) I woke up very late this morning (about an hour late) though by sheer desperation and running i managed only to be 20 mins late. The weird thing was that i was dreaming about getting ready for work before i woke up. So woke up with a start thinking "WAIT! IM NOT READY FOR WORK!". I think I cottoned on it was a dream when i was (badly) making a Mojito for my mothers breakfast on my dressing table.
2) I have a cardboard cut on the tip of my first finger (the one between your thumb and index fingers). For those of you who have never had a cardboard cut its like a really bad paper cut that doesn't sting, it HURTS! Unfortunately my first finger is the finger i type numbers in with. Which has made today more painful than i would have liked.
3) My pants are really uncomfortable when im sitting down. I think they're cutting off the circulation to my legs. Must remember to throw them away once i get home.
4) Im being taxed WAAAAAAAAAY too much.
Thanks for listening.
(Edit: whoops, i made a silly mistake at the beginning there, those 4 points arnt reasons to be cheerful at all. They're reasons to kill the loud chatty people working behind you! I'm having a bad day )