
Oct 25, 2009 21:03


I went to the first meeting of a group of crazies hell bent on writing a 50,000 word novel from start to finish during the month of November. I was kind of suprised at the large turnout. I ordered a beer and got to mingling with the people at my table. After a bit, our 5 became 6 as an incredibly cute blonde girl took a seat across from me.

Now, it's not that I hold onto any archaic stereotypes about the relationship between one's hair color and their IQ, but I don't often go for blondes. Nor am I specifically turned on by the Finance industry, but when this girl with her bright yellow shirt and matching hair took a seat in front of me, I forgot all of these things.

She had eyes that were both sexy and sarcastic, as if nothing really suprised her. By this point, I was into my second beer and feeling quite gregarious. Upon explaining my nametag complete with nickname, Lauren with the curly blonde hair mentioned that she had never recieved one.

"Well, we're at a table full of writers. I'm sure we can come up with something."

"We could call you Goldie," said Jeremy, a fellow IU alum that I'd met not 10 minutes prior.

"Are you often in the company of bears?" I queried.

"Well Goldie was the name of that girl from the Sin City comics right? I think I could handle that."

She's into Frank Miller? Hot.

Later, I catch her texting and innocently ask what she's "tweeting" about. Turns out that she and her friend were planning on catching the midnight showing of "My Bloody Valentine 3D" at the Tivoli after this.

"You want to come?" she asks.

I'm yours. "Yes," I say. She invites the rest of the table, and I find out that she studied Chinese in Nanjing much the same way that I spent time in Nagoya. She's suprised that I know the word Laowai, even if I mispronounce the tones. And she seems to find it refreshing that I can appreciate corny Horror movies, as her last, totally-lame boyfriend once complained through an entire showing of some similiar spook show.

Later, not only does no one else take her up on the Horror movie offer, but her friend flakes out.

"I've never been to a Horror movie with a stranger before," I flirt as 6 more people shuffle into the theatre, bringing the grand audience total to about 8.

"We're not strangers, we're good friends now," she says.

yay, girls

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