with the business of school and everything else, i pretty much forgot this existed
id like to say that ive become incredibly studious this year and spend more of my time on homework
but thats a horrible lie
the truth of the matter is i have become hopelessly addicted to World of Warcraft. pretty much all of my free time, and more, is spent on it. the 10-day free guest trial hooked me, and before i knew it i was buying it for myself, the first time ive ever bought a game for the computer. i gave my guest pass to my roommate jeff and now hes hooked as well. 5 out of 8 in our suite are slaves to the blizzard corporation. the license agreement i signed at the beginning makes it illegal for me to sue them for any addiction i may have sustained from the game. currently i absolutely love the game. its the most fun ive had in a while. but its only a matter of time before my life is destroyed by it.
but that isnt all thats been happening. my life is rather busy. got a job with video services, which is the best i could have. most of the time theres nothing to do, so i do my homework. but when there is stuff to do, its stuff like copying tapes and transfering video formats or even going out to film classes. so, its fun stuff, and i can learn from it too.
so i work at that a total of 10 hours a week. monday and friday sucks because i have to work 9am to noon, but the other days i just work a couple hours in the early afternoon before i have class. the people that work there are rather cool too. one of them convinced me to try out as an actor for a directing scenes class. basically they can just call on you to act in a scene for their class. ive never acted before but i did it, went up there and gave a monologue. the directer had nice things to say to me, so looks like i have potential. im glad i did it, much less pressure than a full-fledged play.
the haltime retreat was awesome, and after it ended i joined the PR committee, which is responsible for getting the word out about it and getting more people singed up. im the only boy on the committee, theres like 6 or 7 or so girls. so its my job to recruit more boys for halftime, since usually a lot more girls wanna do it. like i can give any insight into the average male mind. oh well.
in addition to that, theres OCF, which is goin strong this year, and course classes and homework. not that much work this year, which is good. or rather, i just dont do all that i have to do. theres a hell of a lot of reading for a couple of my classes, and i like it a lot, but theres just no time to read it all. especially with an addiction to WoW.
anyways, thats about all to report on the first few weeks of school. my roommate is great, my suitemates are cool and quirky, everything is rather pleasant. im much happier when im busy than when ive got nothing to do and no clear schedule, like during the summer.
i dont know if ill be using this again, i seem to have lost a need for it; i just wanted one last entry to conclude it if thats the way its gonna be.
anyways, fare thee well, y'all.
oh, and, one last little online quizzical thingamajiggy for the sake of it.
You are a
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and an...
Economic Liberal
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The Politics Test on
OkCupid Free Online Dating apparently im a socialist. it happens.