Sep 24, 2005 19:06


The Ped has finally witnessed his first metal concert! XD And to keep up with the symbolism it was of my first metal group I ever heard, Sonata Arctica. =D

After picking up Mieke's pals Marie-Lynne and Alexa we headed off to Antwerp, once there we also managed to intercept good ol' Andreas, even though he rushed off to the front when the first support group, Machine Men, began. They were pretty good in my opinion, even though I barely understood the vocalist. But he managed to provide a good laugh. With his relatively short height and long hair my sister was convinced that he was a girl, and when he began singing Mieke audibly went "Oh my god it's a guy!" XD Good fun.

Second support group was Symphorce, also pretty good, and slightly easier to understand. XD The signer of that group also seemed to be better at getting the crowd going. As his stunt on Mieke he managed to fool her into thinking for a moment that he was Sonata's Tony. :o Oh well.

And then it was time for a second intermission for more instrument shifting *groan* I've been there for over two hours and still haven't seen the group I came to see. XD Either way it was made enjoyable thanks to my companions and their chattering about the silliest things. Domo arigatou. Also thanks to the old man in the kilt, whoever you may be. :O

(Warning, this section contains alot of titles which will probably be lost to you unless you're aware of Sonata Arctica's discography)

Anyhow, towards 10pm it was finally time for the main gig. =D Sonata started off with a blast thanks to the energetic..er... energy of Misplaced. After that they cut straight into Full Moon, which I didn't recognise at first until I heard the lyrics, and promptly began shouting/singing it along. XD Rawr that song has become heavy. Two songs into the shows and one of my all-time Sonata faves has already been performed. Yatta!
Tony also managed to entertain the crowd and score "kawaii" points by saying things in finnish to both us and the bandmembers... although I would pay some good money to know what he EXACTLY said. =O For all we know he said "Would the people who are idiots please go "heeeeeeyyy" " >.>;;
Anyhow, the show in itself was a blast, I can't give you an exact playlist, but a load of my faves were played such as Weballergy, Destruction Preventer, Black Sheep and a whole lot more. Towards the end they even threw in a mighty medley of songs they haven't played, and I quote, a very very very very very very very very very very very long time, even though it included a part of "White Pearl, Black Oceans" which was on last year's album Reckoning Night.
Unexpected bit of entertainment also came when a song.. which exactly I've forgotten, I'll have to ask the sis. XD (Expect an edit folks) Anyways the song changed rythm and Tony began to sing like an, erm, skipping raggea CD. O_o But you had to be there to believe it.
One of the last songs was "Until the last drop falls", had the audience taking out their lighters (darned smokers) and waving them about, but alas, the four of us didn't have lighters so we used our cellphones to do some synchronised waving with, which seems to have caught Tony's attention. XD Go us.
For the last couple of songs Andreas rejoined us from the mass o' crowd for some good fun including the now legendary circle o' headbanging. *rubs neck* Yep, good fun. XD

To finish the concert of the group brought us the (in)famous "We need some Vodka". =D Ahhh... my first metal concert was a blast, a noisy blast, with a sore after effect. XD But it was so bloody worth it.

Now to start looking to another metal group to go and see. XD Oi Iron Maiden, care for heading back to Belgium?

But until then, I can at least look forward to the FACTS convention in Gent next month, which will most likely have me participating in game tournies. XD
And I'll probably bring an update about how that went then... and perhaps one before that.

Until then, take care you zany readers and rock on! \o/
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