~Citypaper printed my
letter to the editor. Take that, irrationally anti-gun control citizens! I tried for a sort of understated, British-type mockery, which only sort of worked. The letter after mine was far better informed, and covered a lot of ground I didn't.
~Speaking of guns, one of my characters gets to wield a Thompson submachine gun in my
next show. Yeah, that's right. A Tommy gun. Rehearsals are going well.
~The past few weeks have involved copious amounts of work and rehearsal. Seeing other shows when I can (and ushering to see them for free, when possible).
~Had an audition today for a respected mid-size theatre company. It went, it's over, it motivated me to learn a new monologue, s'all good.
~I'm getting pulled into the clutches of about three Xbox360 games (Halo 3, John Woo's Stranglehold, and Mutant Storm Reloaded). Must... resist... for sake of... productivity...