Wherein Falcon recovers from a wave 'o babies and laments about a bad dream.

Jul 28, 2009 00:20

Everyone's okay? Back to normal? Good.

I think I'm going to take the world's longest nap.

I'll wake up on Friday for class.
[Outside their dorms, Pit, Paula, Tails, Knuckles, Ashley, Melissa, Zelda and Poo (and any other students I may have forgotten who went out of their way to take care of children--if I didn't mention your dude and they lent a hand, please don't hesitate to say they got one too) will find a small box of chocolate accompanied by a note that simply states "Thanks for helping out this week. --Falcon."

Ionia gets one too. Her box may or may not be a little bigger.]
Well. That was your one perfect chance to off him, and you couldn't do it.

Just like before. Always some excuse.

That dream has never been so vivid. I've had both of those dozens of times, but never like that.

And...watching everyone else's...I have no idea what the hell happened there. I can only assume it was someone not in control of their powers, God knows we have enough of those kinds of kids at this school. Or hell, faculty, even. I think I've learned not to question these things. Only dreams, after all.

Except I couldn't help but feel like I was one of the only people to dream about something that actually happened. No subconscious crap no symbolism no surreal shit no anything. Verbatim.

I'm not sure if that makes it better or worse. Just. Ugh. Hopefully everyone will be too busy with their own dreams to even ask about mine.

At least the kids are out of my graying oh my god hair. My apartment's a mess, my week was ruined, I spent half of Friday out cold while Ganondorf rampaged all over the school and...

Fuck this. I'm going to sleep for three days straight.

!smeargle, !pokemon lucas, i have issues, i need booze, ow my most of me, life's a bitch, !poo, !paula, !knuckles, !snake, !samus, nightmaretiems, batman wannabe arch nemesis, wave o babies, !ashley, !ionia, !tails, business

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