(no subject)

Nov 02, 2008 16:40

So my extra hour of sleep was disrupted by the apartment complex's fire alarm going off at four in the morning. I ended up standing out in the parking lot for an hour with the rest of the building's residents in the freezing cold. Which only reminded me of how cold it must be for him out there. Apparently some stupid kids were being stupid kids and they pulled one of the alarms or set off a smoke detector or something which automatically sets off every alarm in the building. It's a scary thing to wake up to. Especially when you're somewhere between drunk and hung over and you're not really all there.

Anyway, I'm standing outside in practically nothing and I'm freezing and the fire department takes its sweet time to get here, and my next door neighbor who I never really talk to (I don't really talk to anyone in the complex, come to think about it) decides to strike up a conversation and she is waaaay too peppy. So I'm just kind of smiling and nodding. She's twenty-something, fresh out of college I guess and she's interning in the city, or so she tells me. I'm half asleep and not really paying attention.

She says she figured this was as good a time as any to talk to me, because she lives in the apartment next to mine but I never bother with any of my neighbors and she tells me that the entire complex thinks I'm the kind of crazy guy whose car takes up two normal-sized spaces. I told her they weren't far off.

And then she decides I'm rather fascinating which makes her want to talk to me more. So she asks why I'm wearing sunglasses at four in the morning. I tell her it's a nervous habit, which it is. She says that's weird. I agreed. Then she asks me to take them off and got kind of peeved when I told her no.

Which probably was not the smartest thing to do because now she's incredibly curious about her mysterious neighbor and is asking a lot of questions but it's waaaaay too early in the morning for me to answer. I don't even remember exactly what she said.

She told me to stop by maybe, and not be so antisocial. She wants to get coffee sometime.

So then the fire department showed up and searched the building and then finally let us all go back inside.

I have never been so thankful for a heater and my bed.

I'm starting to think of looking for a new place to live.

Oh! Random request. Are there any student magic users who think they could perform a human transformation on someone else? Just temporarily. I know it must take a lot of effort so it would only be for the day or so. I promised Petunia I would take her to get a dress for homecoming and...well...all the transformation balls seem to be defunct. If not, I'm sure I'll think of something.

At any rate, I think I'm going to take the car out. As always.
I can't stop thinking about him out there...by himself like that. It was really cold last night.

I keep telling myself that he's done this before and he's going to be fine. He wanted to do this alone so I'm not going to go after him yet.

I miss him. Now I know how he feels when I do something like this.

I just hope he's safe out there.

I've also been thinking a lot about Ionia.

I think I'm going to do it. I just hope Jeff understands.
Hey...so we have less than a week.

We should probably practice.
I've had this song on repeat all day.

I have no idea why.

falcon rant, love is a many splendored thing, fab four, i love my car, we should play in a band just to be safe, life's a bitch

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