Sep 21, 2007 18:26
so i had a busy week today. tuesday i gave a theory/critical presentation on poet claudia emerson for my poetry workshop class, thursday i gave a theory presentation on jorges luis borges, today i taught an intro to creative writing class, had a poetic theory class (or sorts) with claudia emerson, and later tonight she is doing a reading for which i need to prepare nothing but make sure to drink as much wine and eat as much cheese and snacks as possible, as it is free.
however. in the midst of all this, plus planning for the visit from mary which unfortunately has been postponed due to a cracked radiator, doing my publishing reading which has not been mentioned here, etc etc, Evan has dumpstered flowers and food for me, kept me sane and on a positive level, and -- and this is the kicker, today when i got home from the class i taught, my room was clean! I meant to restructure this differently, to say that in the midst of all this, my room has gone to shambles but he cleaned it. but really it's so much more. right now i am looking as a beautiful, free bouquet, there's another one downstairs, there's free food to make for dinner. there are backrubs and words of incouragement and compliments, there's the tugging on my legs to get out and moving when really i would rather lie in bed and not take care of all these things that fill my days.
so much to be appreciative of. luckily i just got my financial aid check so i can finally take him out for dessert or do something else nice for him.
but fuck if i'm still not dead tired right now. emily will be here in a half hour and i just took all my clothes off 'cause they were too sweaty from riding around all day back and forth up the hill.