May 26, 2007 14:01
the hot topic of this update. Last time, it was on the cusp of another weekend in Eastlake, patiently awaiting the arrival of Christopher Lee.
The end of the work week last week was fine overall. Just really busy like its been for the past few weeks. I got a phone call @9:15 that morning from Shawn to tell us that Monica's water broke and she was in labor, etc. The day passed with exciting messages...and Topher arrived around 5pm! After I was done at work, I hooked up with Heidi and Jess for a pre-STTW show dinner at Rumors. Went straight to Frankies after that for the performance. THey did really well...and honestly, Leo gorws on me everytime i see them. I stayed for a few Burden Brothers tracks before my old lady ass had to get back home to get some sleep. So sleep was had and i worked until about 2 on Saturday, grabbed all my laundry, and went home.
It was another emotional car ride, le sigh.
But when i got home, I called Dubya, then her, Moom and I went right to Lake West to see the new baby and his parents. I don't think its possible for two people to beam as much as they did. When we got there it was all smiles and Laurie and Wayne were there spending time too. Talk about pround grandparents! Everyone in that whole family was illuminated. They would still tear up from time to time just talking about the time from water breaking to the actual delivery! Really heartwarming...i even teared up a bit as we all took turns holding Chris, who would just sigh and stretch from time to time. For being just abuot 24 hours old, he seemed incredibly well adjusted to the 'outside' world. The good skin coloration, etc. everything was looking goood :) So we stayed for about an hour or so just oohing and aaahing. Dropped Dubya off at her car, then Mom, Dad, and I went to Aladdins for mediterranean. It was really fun...i wish Kevin would have gone.
Got back from that, then met up with the Biermans at Puro's graduation party for a bit before calling it a night. I was wiped out! But as it usually goes, I couldn't bring myself to i was down on the computer till about 2am trying to cure my insomnia. Finally made it to bed.
Sunday morning woke up and went to church with Mom. From there, we went to get my Hep A test for school at the walk-in clinic.They couldn't find the code for the test in the computer system, so that ended up taking about an hour. After that, picked up some stuff to make dinner that night at GE, then went home to make giant omlets because all I wanted to eat was eggs. I spent the rest of that afternoon with the folks...the later on the Biermans came over for dinner..where we all learned that Lindsay actually likes Tilapia! whooo!
After dinner, picked up the Missers' mum and brother, then went to see the baby, who had just relocated from the hospital over to his new home! We spent the rest of the evening was really exciting. Especially the part where Christopher let out a waterfal off pee when I was holding him and it soaked through all three of the shirts I was wearing. I was honored and left feeling like i was really christened into his extended family. Home after watching my brother in the 40 Year Old Virgin and to bed eventually. I think i actually fell asleep watching a BBQ competition on the Food Network. that's my life kids.
Monday got up, worked out, then met with the Missers for a LOVELY breakfast at Yours Truly. We talked about pretty much everything we could think of and i had a BLAST!!! she rules and i'm going to really miss those times when I get going to school. Dropped her off so I could pick up a copy of my medical forms from the walk in clinic, go to the bank, and tape up signs at church for mom. Did some laundry and cleaned up the house a bit before going back over to the Biermans to hang out some more and chat with Dubya.
Earlier that day I was talking to my mom and she was really sad that we didn't really have a lot of one on one time even though I was home. So thankfully, Dave was kind enough to let me take Tuesday off as well.
After lounging around while the Biermans deck was getting put together, I went home to have dinner with Moom and Kevin...the she and I went to Target before meeting up with Lindsay and her momma for coffee...then when we got kicked out of Arabica, we went to Oliver Twist for more chit chat and martinis (well, they had martinis, lol). We stayed out till around 10ish? Then said our goodbyes. we're definitely going to have to do that again before i vacate ohio. too much fun.
Tuesday morning after working out, mom and I went to Painesville to the Lake County Veterans Services offices to pick up now grave medallions for WWII and Korea for my grandfather. Then, after picking up coffee and a teeny diner that used to be a pharmacy, we went to the Willoughby Cemetary, and put the medallions on the headstone. It was really emotional...that's all i'm going to say about it. I'm glad I was able to do that with her. It meant alot to both of us. We swung by WalMart after that..then went home to eat breakfast together before she had to go off to work. I was sad, so I went to Linens N THings before I got back on the road to placate my pain by buying a KitchenAid 5-speed hand mixer.
Got back to Toledo around 4, then went into work for a bit to pick up a cheque and see how we were fairing for the rest of the week. The next couple days I spent basically running errands and unpacking all while trying not to sweat to death. Freakin hot in my apartment.
ANyway, I've also been menu planning/prepping for the BBQ at Caroline's tomorrow.
Last night, I baked shortbread and read Cooking Light before passing out.
TOday I got up around 7:30 because I didn't have to be into work until 1. Hit the post office to mail a few things then came home and watched the most bizarre Danish cooking show I've ever seen on PBS. The host was crawling around in a sty with hogs. AND doing all his cooking outside?! what? then i watched a show hosted by a food he was taken on a cooking tou/lesson in Italy with Mario Batali and his orange shoes.
I'm here at work, running a remote and giving away Nirvana DVDs as part of a 'Smells like the 90s' Weekend until 6. Then i'll be picking up the shortbread i baked as well as recipes, to take to meet up with Anna and the Whit to spend an ungodly amount of time in the BG Kroger. THey'll probably kick us out for staying too long.
Then tomorrow is the big bash. I can't wait!
After this past weekend at home, it makes me so thankful to have supportive wonderful people around...i have to make sure that I get to spend as much time with them as i possibly can. Because I don't know when the next chance for that to happen will be after I leave.
I've been talking to Marc alot this week. Its been really nice.
that's about it for now gang. hugs kisses and high fives.