Mar 23, 2007 16:26
well, not so much shaking. but moving definitely.
After work on Saturday, i changed my original plans of going to a store that just dealt with resale furniture and went straight to Goodwill to see if there was anythere salvagable. And lo and behold...there it was. a dark green Laz-Y-Boy recliner that worked well and didn't look too bad from the outside either. No extreme wear and tear on it...kelly sized..and for only $35. The guy at Goodwill was kind enough to give it to me for $30 bucks too! So i purchased said recliner and made arrangements to pick it up on Sunday. Hightailed it home after that to pack up more of my stuff and move a couple car loads to the new place before making my last dinner in #245 and going to Headliners for the 3rd time in a week for the Take Action Tour.
Parked out in BFE and made it in right as A Static Lullaby was going on. It had been a while since I'd seen them live and nothing much had changed. Scary Kids Scaring Kids were up next and they were alright...not really my thing...but definitely high energy. The keyboardist should have had a keytar in my opinion..and he was flailing about and pounding on his chest like a teensy gorilla most of the show. Even ended up shirtless...i'm not really sure how that happened, but it did. (and it was the guy in the band that ended up without his shirt, not me..just to clarify.) After a bried intermission, it was the part of the show i really wanted to see. effin Emery. Impressive as ever...coming with some new stuff too. New album should be arriving soon as well. There was a 10 year old standing next to me and he was just about my size. Depressing, eh? But Emery was great and by the time they were finished playing, and i had picked up the expanded edition of 'The Question,' i was spent. This moving crap really takes it out of you. So i bailed before Red Jumpsuit Apparatus had a chance to start and didn't really feel bad about it.
Hit the pillow hard, as usual on Saturday nights, and prepped for the arrival of my moving crew in the morning.
Woke up around 8:30ish and called home to get an ETA for the fam. They were getting ready to leave around 9, but my dad wanted them to stop for breakfast so they wouldn't be in town till around 12:30-1pm. This gave me enough time to catch the sermon at church, then get home to pack a few more things before they got to my place.
They arrived on schedule and we loaded up the two cars with my worldy possessions. Moved a couple car loads, then went to pick up the recliner. it was a good thing that's all the big furniture i got...because i don't think much more would have fit in my living room. By the time everything had been relocated, it was about 5pm. I spent another hour or so trying to get some stuff put away...while dad and kevin set up the tv and dvd player they were nice enough to surprise me with! Things were pretty much good enough to leave the apartment around 6 to go to Rumors for dinner. Funny thing about that place is you always know how much food you're getting yourself into, but you always over order. Dinner was done around 7:30ish and with i think 4 take home boxes, we went to Target.
I love being with the fam, but we can't take my dad or brother anywhere after eating. They were farting in the aisles and running from their stink laughing all the way to where mom and I were trying to figure out exactly what I still needed for the place asap.
But it was fun anyway. Got our purchases and my falafel back to the new place and they left around 9pm. I can't tell you guys how much I appreciated having them come up and help. It was really nice to see them...and I'm lucky to have them there when i need them. it just made me feel thankful overall. and we had a hell of a good time. smilesmilesmile.
Tried to get some more stuff put away after they left, but i made a couple phone calls too and just ended up pushing most of the crap to the corners of the room so I could workout and walk around efficiently in the morning. The rest would have to wait till the next day. I was wiped by the time i went to bed around 1am. totally worth it though :)
more to come tomorrow kids...gotta wrap things up at cumulus for the night.