Weaselly little twerps

Jun 09, 2009 16:40

Arrogance n: overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors [Middle English arrogaunt, from Old French, from Latin arrogns, arrogant-, present participle of arrogre, to arrogate; see arrogate.]

See also: Joe Leiberman and Lindsey Graham

The two of them stood up today and announced they intend to hold the nation hostage until they get their way on granting more power; without oversight, to the Executive, and, once again trying to pass a law to grant the Executive an exemption to the law; after being caught trying to stand in the way (if not actually violate) the law as it stands.

Sens. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) have threatened to halt all business in the Senate until Congress passes their legislation allowing President Barack Obama to suppress photos showing detainee abuse.

"We're not going to do any more business in the Senate," Graham said. "Nothing's going forward until we get this right."

Got that... none of the people's business gets done until Der Leibermouse and the Graham Cracker (yes, I'm being rude, and derisive and abusive, they have it coming), get their way. If the House, and the Senate won't cave into their little tantrum... they will shout and scream and hold their breath. Because, "Nothing's going forward until we get this right," = Do it our way, or else.

Why? Because some judge has had the temerity to insist the Freedom Of Information Act means what it says, and the Office of the President has to obey it.

What cheek. What gall. What a slap in the face to The RUle of Law that judge just committed; at least that's the way they are playing it.

See, they buy into the idea of John Yoo, that the president is granted super-sekrit-squirrel powers when he says we are war. Once he lets congress know they can declare one, all bets are off. Obama says that releasing the photos would be bad in the, "War 'Gainst Terra'" and we have to bow down and let him have his way.

The worst part of all this, if they handn't chosen this bill to tack it onto, the odds are it would have passed. We can only hope this backfires, instead of setting precedent for the two-senator filibuster.
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