I haz shiney

May 31, 2009 00:19

My Canadian Girlfriend Loffs Me.

Which is, I suppose, what one should expect. commodorified came to visit me after visiting fairestcat and going to WisCon. This is good. I get to introduce her to my father/sisters, and show her Eastern Tennessee.

We went shopping last night, and I bought bread flour (King Arthur's), and checked the local brands. White Lilly's all purpose is 2 percent protein. That's the same as Swan's Lake Cake Flour. I'll have to get Maia's banana bread recipe and see how it does with the softer flour.

She also brought be a birthday present, a bright; newly reconditioned, iPod Nano, which iclysdale was kind enough to load up with 7 gigs of music; mostly strange to me.

I've loaded the songs onto my machine. I'll have to sort it out (right now all the song titles are four-letter strings ABBA, ABRD, CBGB, etc.. But the artists/albums are correct). First step, make the folders non-hidden.

Second, import the songs to my iTunes. Third... synch the iPod to my iTunes, so I can build a library I wan't to take with me for amusement when I head to SF at the end of the month.

Life is pretty good right now.
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