Still in HMMMMM territory

May 03, 2011 09:13

Game of Thrones, episode three. Still not sold, but it gets more compelling with each episode.

I would, actually, be interested to hear from someone who hasn't read the books. I have a feeling that a lot of the TV show is dependent on knowing the story; but, knowing the story, I can't know how well it works for one who does not.

I want to punch Jon Snow's pretty, pouty, sulky frown.

But it is Cersei I am finding really hard to swallow. Her entire point in the book is that she tries to be manipulative, scheming, brilliant - but she's abysmal at it. She is able to think otherwise because her entire life, people have been around to clean up her messes, and any time anything goes wrong she can drum her spoilt arrogant fists and rail at the world for not making her a man, because if she was a man, the world would take her seriously.

This falls apart when the people propping her up start falling away, and when we see other female characters who do have actual real power without their gender getting in the way.

Cersei is impatient, has a nasty temper, is extremely short-sighted and incapable of thinking through something like the speech she gave Joffrey in this episode.

I don't want to be like a nerd sitting around going, "Nyurgh, it's not like the source material", but so far it is demonstrating quite a profound lack of understanding of the characterisation that made the books extraordinary.
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