I've seen more people bash Warner Brothers for their digital copy implementation than any other. I decided to check it out.
Long story short, not quite as nice as Universal, far, far, far better than Sony.
I needed a Flixster account to make it happen, one of the biggest things most people complain about. I already had one so I logged in, redemption was painless.
The movie refused to play.
The support pages mentioned needing the latest Flash player from Adobe, I don't have problems with anything else, but what the heck, I got the latest one directly from Adobe. Interestingly enough instead of giving me a .deb they added a repository by clicking the link. I'm fine with this.
The movie played back looking a bit crappy and blocky, I'm assuming it's that fact I'm streaming to my desktop via two routers through WiFi, I could be wrong, it could be so DRM laden they don't leave enough room for the actual movie - sort of like Hulu does.
I noticed they used their own player. Out of curiosity I clicked on the Smurfs, since UltraViolet movie info is shared through the main site,
I'm sure you remember what a fiasco that was. It worked! The fix for watching Sony Ultra Violet movies is to use the Warner Brothers method....
Now that I've posted this I'm sure Sony will go and "correct" their "error" - damned Linux hippies getting in anyways!