Prayers answered!

Mar 24, 2005 07:09

After another full day of witnessing before the judge and stating our case, the judge granted my parents custody. "Technicaly" I lost. This is fine, my baby is safe now, and I think the judge was able to see the truth, but wasn't going to completely over rule her associate judge. I am still under the protective order, this is fine, I don't want anywhere near my Ex, I haven't wanted anywhere near her in a long time. She is my ex now, divorce was granted.

The judge labeled my ex and I both as screw ups. My wifes lies about me having an anger issue stuck, she didn't order me to take anger management classes but advised my lawyer it would be a very good idea. She also thought I had attachment issues to my Ex, nothing could be further from the truth. She also wants me to take parenting classes, also not ordered, but advised. I'll do all of them. Never mind the fact I was raising three little girls by myself except for the portion of time I was being underminded and worked against.

We used multiple types of evidence. I found lots of good pictures of my parents having a very good time with both my daughter and my step daughter. That was positive evidence and it showed my daughter at various ages to prove they were in for the long haul. I used negative evidence. I brought up my Ex's latest website and the message boards she participated on. She claimed that I was the one posing as her on those sites, and that the pictures were altered by me with my 1337 5|<11Z, but instead I put those skills to use to explain the way JPEG compression works and that if I were to alter a JPEG photo it would leave evidence the the way the vectors, curves, and artifacts that make up the way a JPEG image is created that I could not hide. She also didn't explain how - as she stated - if the pictures used on those sites were created two days before we split up, how she gained 30 lbs in just two days before the manufactured violence photos were taken. Don't take up a court case against Sherlock Holmes if you're a liar. I think the State of Texas now officially recognizes me as an Uber Geek.

By court order I'm only able to see my daughter once a month. Every fourth week via the safe program which is about half the visits I had before. Her mother gets alternating fourth weeks. I'm happier because my daughter is away from the poor quality people she was left with.

I feel Judge Millard did a very good job and was fair and impartial. I only got a raw deal because of her associate before her, she has to back him up. I'm still going to make a judicial complaint on Judge Lemkuil, he endangered my daughters life. I'm going to praise Judge Millard. If I move back to Harris County I will base my voting decisions on her running mate. She gets my vote if her running mate changes. To his credit, he did grant my parents intervention, but that does not forgive his endangering my daughters well being, and I hope no other child will be endangered as a result of his poor decisions.

Now all I have to do is pull $3,400 out of my ass to pay for a couple of rulings. The only things I get back that she stole is my oak chest and my stereo reciever and speakers. She denied the rest of it's exsistance or claimed I gave it to her daughter. In actuality, if we could have left on amicable terms I would have given her daughter most of what she claimed I gifted to her anyways, not all of it, but I would have gifted her other things not mentioned.

family, legal, sarah, safe, court

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