Ahhhh, work is so busy at the moment, I have three big baskets full of typing to be done and the same of filing. I still haven't heard anything about if I have an interview for the permanent job, I don't like all this sitting around and waiting, at least I know that I will be interviewed by one of the girls I work with and get on with really well, I really should start trying to bribe her with chocolate!!
My baby is still away, I can't believe how much I'm missing him, his mum came round tonight for dinner, it was nice to be able to do the girlie chat thing without any of the men around and interupting. Going out for dinner with
soozie and Claire tomorrow so that should help pass the time and cheer me up a bit. Tatia is being really cuddley tonight, I think she knows I'm sad or she's missing her daddy, probably the later, she doesn't normally care if you're upset as long as she's got food then she doesn't give a toss!!
Can't wait for the weekend, Claire who I used to live with is coming back for the weekend, it'll be good to catch up with her and I know that even though someone is staying I can still have a good lay in on Saturday.
Oh well suppose I should go to bed.