fall on me for anything you like

Feb 05, 2005 08:23

i'm sorry to say, my shitty mood yesterday lasted right up until the first band started playing at the keane concert. on the way to the show absolutely everyone in this city seemed intent on killing us and making us late. then we stood in the cold for a good hour and a half, where various things pissed me off, and they opened the doors late. and as i got to the front of the line finally i was told i had to leave my camera batteries at the door w/ some woman. i could have put them in michelle's car but she was already inside. i didn't mind having to take my batteries out, but i don't see why i couldn't have kept them. those batteries are effing expensive. i did get them back at the end, but i was not pleased.

but now onto the good stuff. while i was stuck w/ the battery nazi, bern, michelle & christina had made it inside and gotten us spots right at the very front! i can't say i like the electric factory as much as TLA because the stage is much higher and you have to stand further away from it, but we really couldn't have been any closer. so we stood for some time and finally the Redwalls came on. i already knew one of their songs through my shameless music downloading and i loved them even more live. they were the most adorable band i've ever seen. none of them could have been taller than 5 feet and they looked about 12. but they were the hippest 12 year olds i've ever seen. (they were clearly not actually 12 as one of them was drinking a rolling rock but who cares). one kid looked like a newsie & sort of reminded me of tony from home. another (my favorite) had a FANTASTIC white pinstriped blazer and just absolutely rocked. another had a sweet black blazer. (what's with me and blazers) and the drummer was pretty hot and probably the oldest looking. they sound a lot like the beatles and i think many of their chords come directly from beatles songs. only complaint...maybe turn the bass down a bit. i felt like my heart was going to stop from the intensity of the bass. and b/c we were right in front of the world's largest set of speakers and they had about 7 amps on the stage, we all very quickly went deaf.

the next band, the zutons, i had already heard and actually got their album back when i worked w/ WEXP. i like their sound, but i'm really only crazy about one song and they are very very weird. there's 4 guys and then this tiny little chick who looks like she's about to snap in half she's so thin. she dances around and plays the saxaphone. and the lead singer has the creepiest bulging eyes i've ever seen. we all felt they were on for too long and bern couldn't stop laughing. a waste of my precious hearing i have to say.

and finally keane came on around 11. bern was upset b/c richard, her drummer friend, was pretty far back on the stage and she could only see him by looking through tom, the lead singer's, crotch, but somehow she managed. they were absolutely incredible. and i think it was enhanced by the fact that this time we knew all their music rather than just one song. (so did everyone else though which made us bitter b/c we were some of the first to discover the amazingness of keane) at one point tom came and sang right in front of us and i swear he recognized us. and michelle swears that at the end of the show she waved to him and he did a double take and waved back like "oh i've seen you before". and at another point he made a reference to all the familiar faces, which was clearly us! (so we're weird, what of it?) i'd say the drummer, tim, has definitely gotten hotter since october. he was all over that keyboard like a madman. it was all spectacular. after the encore was over we hung around for a few minutes to see what we could get from them. bern and i ended up snagging the orginal set list! and michelle got tom's half drunk bottle of water. so now with the drum sticks from the october show i think we can say we're officially keane freaks and may have to start a shrine. (no most likely not, but we definitely have some cool shit) i found my battery nazi and finally we headed home.

after bern left, christina & michelle came over for a bit. we chatted and shared some of my leftover birthday cake. then finally i went to bed. this morning my throat's a bit sore from all the yelling last night and my hearing is actually not back yet, which i'm mildly concerned about. it sounds like i have water in my ears but at the same time everything sounds a lot louder than it is. hopefully that'll improve soon.

thanks keane for being amazing. mmm brits that rock.
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