Jan 04, 2005 20:22
TrippingBillie84: hahaha did you take that kissing test in lisa's blog?
TrippingBillie84: i like the question about kissing someone who is missing limbs
pechey7keen: no
pechey7keen: oh wait
pechey7keen: yes i did take it
pechey7keen: i had a lot more minuses than she did
TrippingBillie84: have you ever kissed anyone missing an arm/leg?
TrippingBillie84: cuz i wish i did
pechey7keen: no, but you could cut off my arm if you want and then kiss me and it would be very funny...except for me not having my arm anymore
TrippingBillie84: lol and it might be awkward afterwards, us being friends and all
TrippingBillie84: plus, you'd bemissing an arm
pechey7keen: i think the arm thing might be more awkward to be honest...i might have to cut your arm just to get even
pechey7keen: and then most likely we wouldn't be friends anymore
pechey7keen: cause we'd both be mad that the other person cut our arm off
TrippingBillie84: what's a few arms between friends?
pechey7keen: so really, it's a terrible plan
TrippingBillie84: haha ok, scratch the arm-chopping-off
pechey7keen: deal
TrippingBillie84: you just have to help me find someone alrady missing an arm/leg
pechey7keen: well there are plenty of homeless people on the side of the road usually and a lot of them are missing arms, legs, or both
TrippingBillie84: hahahaha they're probably pretty clean, right?
TrippingBillie84: right?
pechey7keen: um
pechey7keen: yeah
pechey7keen: of course
pechey7keen: and if not...well at least you can say you kissed someone that was missing a body part
TrippingBillie84: or tell people where I got herpes
pechey7keen: well sure, but where's the fun in that?
pechey7keen: i mean, you don't really have to tell them that you have herpes at all
TrippingBillie84: lol true enough
TrippingBillie84: also, if i ever play "never have I ever" and they ask who has kissed a homeless person missing an arm, i'd probably be the only one who could say yes
TrippingBillie84: and that would be pretty sweet
pechey7keen: you're rigt
pechey7keen: right*
pechey7keen: in fact you'd probably be the only person in the world that could answer yes
TrippingBillie84: idunno
TrippingBillie84: there's probably a lot more than you'd think
pechey7keen: people playing never have i ever who have kissed armless homeless people?
pechey7keen: you're right
pechey7keen: there's a whole club of them
TrippingBillie84: lol yeah it's the new "in" at la salle, i hear
pechey7keen: i know, i was thinking of joining, but i don't meet the requirements
TrippingBillie84: haha
TrippingBillie84: i think the only requirement is "odd enough to do it"
pechey7keen: do i fit that>
pechey7keen: ?
pechey7keen: i know you do
pechey7keen: but do it?
TrippingBillie84: heck yeah i do
TrippingBillie84: hmm idunno
TrippingBillie84: how do you feel about dirty bums in general?
pechey7keen: well encounters with them always make for interesting stories
pechey7keen: so i think they're kinda cool
pechey7keen: but i've never actually touched one
TrippingBillie84: so i'm hearing that you like to kiss them
TrippingBillie84: i think we have our answer
pechey7keen: alright sweet!
TrippingBillie84: lol
pechey7keen: we're both in
pechey7keen: would you like to be president?
TrippingBillie84: heck yeah i would