Jul 30, 2005 15:20
A lot is going on. I'm not going to work today and my parents are wanting to come down here. I told them not to unless for some reason things get worse. Britt moved out and that didn't go very well to say the least. There's a lot I could say, but I'm not going to in here. Things have been terrible though with her and now we're out of each others lives so hopefully things will be a lot better from now on. i went out to the bar last night with some friends which was a really good time and tonight im going to a few really big parties with a lot of my closest friends here. im so excited. im going out with tirrell, courtney, lauren, becca, becky probably and of course colleen. im really looking forward to getting to go out with her tonight. we're all getting shit faced b/c we all work late tomorrow. I'm getting to know Colleen more and I'm excited about that. I think we might be really good friends. i need to get in the shower now and take care of some things. hope everyone is doing well. ciao