Mar 08, 2006 20:42
i was just reading revolver magazine in barnes and noble when i found an article. upon reading that article, i lost all of the last bit of respect i had for avenged sevenfold. i found out that all of these guys do more drugs than fucking tommy lee. this might be old news to some people, but its certainly new to me. also, they changed their sound because they thought they would get more fans by doing so and didnt really care what happened after that. fuck them. after i finished reading that article, some random kid asked me what forum was because it was on the back of my sweatshirt. i told him it was a snowboarding company and he asked if me if i could take him for free. he then asked me what kind of music i listen to, and he said that slayer is his favorite band and that i should listen to more of them than what i have right now. he gave me a few pointers on life along the road, and i really feel like this kid changed my fucking life, and i dont even know who he is.