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Jul 28, 2014 11:10

Hello, friends! Hope you're all doing well.

I'm very much enjoying my summer break! We're catching up on some of the things left-over to do from last years' massive remodel. I'm also re-reading The Lord of the Rings; brought on by a mini-marathon of watching the films with my daughter. I have to go back to work in two weeks, so that end-of-the-summer-where-did-it-go-I-still-have-things-to-do feelings is kicking in!

Our oldest daughter graduated with her master's degree from the University of Denver in June and is currently doing an internship (paid for once!) in Washington, D.C. She is looking for real "big girl" jobs also, and has a couple of leads on that. It's frightening how many young people are in the same predicament: holding advanced degrees and loaded with college debt, but unable to find full-time employment. We're really hoping she finds something soon, as she definitely doesn't want to have to move back home.

Our middle daughter is also doing an (unpaid) internship at a small city nearby and working this summer. She will begin her last year of college in August, and is looking at graduate schools. For some reason, she wants to go to school in Minnesota and has her heart set on that. I can't even begin to imagine those cold winters, but it would be fun to visit her there! This is our child with ADHD and OCD, who teachers despaired of in her elementary years. How I would love to find them now and point out how responsible and dependable she has become, and also show them her grades!

Youngest daughter will begin her senior year in high school this August. She's actually having her senior pictures made this morning. She's had an exciting summer; she got to go to London in June, and can't wait to go back again. We're looking at colleges for her now and preparing to take the ACT again. She wants to major in linguistics, which as a speech-language pathologist, is near and dear to my heart. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of degree programs in that field nearby. The only school in Arkansas that has a program in linguistics, is the same school I attended and the school where middle daughter goes now.

My husband recently got a promotion and has been working so many hours! It's rare that he works less than 60 hours a week. But he assures me that things should quiet down after the summer.

And, like I said, I'm just enjoying being off work! There's always things to do around the house, but I'm especially enjoying not setting an alarm clock. I'm also training for another half marathon, my sixth! I recently bought a Fitbit flex, and my activity level, or lack thereof, has been truly eye-opening! Let me tell you, it's harder than you would think to get 10,000 steps daily! I have to walk at least an additional 30 minutes after an hour-long zumba class to get all those steps in. But I'm enjoying the challenge!

So, I hope everyone's doing well! Have a great rest of the week, and enjoy your summer!
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