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Jun 07, 2013 10:08

Why in the world does canned cat food smell SO BAD?! My kitty is now 16 years old and in the beginning stages of kidney failure, so her vet has told me that she needs to eat canned food now, rather than the dry cat food she's eaten for most of her life. We've had to experiment with multiple brands, flavors, and textures, but this is what we've discovered: the smellier the food, the better she likes it. Yuck!

She also won't eat very much at a time, so if we give her more than about a tablespoon-full, she leaves it in the dish. The smell gets worse exponentially the longer it stays in the dish, so it's a non-stop balancing act to give her just enough food that she will eat in one sitting, yet won't leave around to stink up the entire house.

I'm thinking its a power-play... Which is not unthinkable considering that this is the same cat who has learned to drink so much water that she makes herself throw up. On purpose. When she doesn't get the attention she wants. Oh yes. I'm not kidding. The vet has confimed that cats are capable of such thought processes.

I guess it's a good thing we love the silly cat so much.
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