Aug 23, 2005 22:04
I'm writing this from MY computer! That's right! I have my very owm computer now and I am very very excited! In other news...
I started college this week. It is a little overwhelming, but not as bad as I was afarid of. I think the only class I may have a problem is math (go figure!) because my teacher is Indian and I can't really understand he talks very fast. But I'll just have to work a little harder in that class I suppose.
Grant seems to be enjoying his first week at OU. He said that his roommates are pretty awsome and they seem to be spending a lot of time together. I'm really glad that he is having so much fun there! I was afarid that Oklahoma would be boring for him, but then again, it is GRANT...the king of making anything boring fun. I miss him like crazy though. The first couple of days were THE WORST. I was pretty much a walking, cranky zombie; but I'm ok now. I have my moments when I'm just really really sad, but he has his cell and AIM, so we get to talk a lot, which is nice. I can't wait to see him again! Next weekend seems WAY too far away! (I love you baby!)
I went out tonight with Regina, Sarah, and Katy and we had a blast! It was the first time in a little under a week that I had really been outside of the house and I'm glad I decided to go. They are freakin awsome! I love my friends!
Well, I guess that's all for now...leave me some love!