I hung out with my friends last nite. Icyest (?) nite of my life. We decided to pretend to skate in the street cuz it was covered in a sheet of ice. Well, seeing as how i am so graceful, i biffed it not just once, but twice in the street. I looked like i was break dancing while i was trying to keep myself up, but then i just hit the ground. It was a fun nite overall. We did a little bowling and since it was Wednseday, it was discounted to $1.50 a game! what a deal. We stopped by "the challenger" which is a candy machine that basically gives you a penny candy for your 25 cents. But it's all worth it cuz the whole "winner every time" (you play till you win) really boots ones self esteem. I got slightly addicted and played for a bit. I won some popeye candy cigarettes. Those are my favorite. Altho these ones had a slight cardboard flavor. Hmm must've been sitting in the machine for a long time. We went back to Bri's house and played Malarky. What a fun game that is. I came home and did a lot of shit until abour 3:15am when i decided to fall asleep. No wonder i can't wake up before noon. Anyways, here's some pics!
Brianna and Cassie kinda look like sisters if you ask me!
Earmuffs for Chris (cock, balls). Doesn't he look like the guy from the OC kinda?
Trying my best to be seductive with the air that comes out of the bowling thing. Actually i look retarded.
Yayy my best friend, Bri, and I bowling our little hearts out (ok well actually taking a break)
And i love that i kno how to post pics now. LOVE LOVE LOVE. hope everyone has a good day. Me and Bri are hitting the mall.