long distance or no? ha ha

Apr 28, 2004 12:27

okay, now this is a great email to wake up to.....agreed?

Hey there cutie, how's it goin? Alright here, feelin
alot better actually. I'd call ya at 4 but I'll prob
still be doin the route. If you're online when I get
home I'll give ya a call, but that won't be till 5:30
or after. But if I don't talk to ya then I'm sure I
will later. Oh yeah, tonight my mom was gone so I
cooked me and my dad dinner. Well first I said to
him, I'm goin over to the store to get me and you
somethin to eat. He looks up at me and asks "What's
her name?" I was like uhhhhh, he's so funny. But as
we're getting ready to eat I was like oh yeah I met my
future wife. Then he's all uhhh whaaa? I'm like yeah
her names Cynthia, and she's super sweet and
beautiful, and loving. He nods his head and is like
alright, well is she bisexual. I'm like no lesbian
like me, he's like well that's good. lol Well, I'm
off to Terry's, hope you're having some good bud, I
mean fun. :D Talk to you soon.

wow. can anyone be more great. this girl seriously makes me think about whether or not i could pull off a long distance thing...and i think i could, with the right person.

but i really don't want to jump inot anything right now....i want to be single a little while longer and not have to worry about anything.....plus, you know, still caught up in ex's sorta.....so yeah. thats my thoughts. i could do it...but i don't want to be with anyone right now.

side note....i could quickly fall in love with jenny(j/k....but over time i'm sure i could), she's fucking great. absolutely the best. but so far away!....why!? best conversations i ever have....yeah.

okay, so last night i picked gary up after work and we went over to selina's. of course we smoked. then selina and i took gary home. then we came back to her house and watched movies....black hawk down and such. we had a good night. we get along.....even when i;m high....lol.....so that was good. and we both work today so i made her say she'll come at 3:30 so i am not there alone waiting to clock in....ha ha.

i kinda miss working at pds back in the day. cuz i always worked the same schedule....mon thr thursday 4 to 10.....and sun 4 to 10.....and i'd always take my break at the same time...8:30, everyday....and i would always have someone outside waiting for me to spend break with.....my friends would surprise me......or megan would.....and breaks were awesome......but now all my friends don't have cars or they are moved. so i'm alone. eh, this sucks. so i'm gonna change my schedule 4 to 9 everyday.....break at 7:45 (damn 15 minute breaks) and leave at 9 so i can get home earlier at night. lol yeah, thats a plan.

okay, i'm done....talk to everyone lata gata!
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