Jun 10, 2005 14:58
I jumped the gun and spoke too soon. I apologize for broadcasting drama. For four years I've used this medium to vent my frustrations, thoughts, feelings, etc, etc. I just assumed the worst. It's easiest to do that when you've lived a life like mine.
I am grateful for all of the friends who expressed concern, all of the offers I got from people who wanted to take care of me. I am a very lucky person to have so many amazing people who care for me. You all have made my life worth living, and have helped me through the roughest spots in my life. I can attribute half of the fighter in me to the people who fight for me. Much love.
Sometimes I really don't understand what I have. I really had no idea this time. I was walking around with my head up fear's ass, and it's a tremendous ass at that. I feel like a retard...but because of it, things did get dumbed down, and I could see clearly. There is no reason to freak out, no matter what happens. I've wanted this for four years, and now I finally have it. I'm going to enjoy it, and stop freaking out.
Thank you.