(no subject)

Apr 08, 2007 03:50

Well, would you look at that.  Another holiday.  It's the rummest thing how they seem to happen every single year, isn't it?  Why, it was just twelve months ago it was Easter already, and now here it is again.  It strikes me as a rather ghoulish festival; always has.  I was sent out from Bible school as quite a young lad and made to sit in a hall closet for the remainder of the service after asking the mistress in all innocence whether Jesus came back as the sort of ghost that wears sheets and clanks chains and moans dolefully in the night, or merely the type that makes the room seem chilly and steals your spare socks.  The following week (having received in the intervening period a bit of theological lesson {woefully lacking, in retrospect} to the effect that He was not a ghost at all, but had actually risen from the dead) I considered this newly acquired information along with previously-gained knowledge resulting from the Chicken Incident and made what I consider to have been a rather insightful scientific hypothesis for a child of such tender years:  I inquired tactfully as to whether our lord and saviour mightn't've smelled a bit unpleasant after three days in a cave, unless the cave were particularly cold and served rather like an icebox.  No one appreciated my budding forensic ability and my only answer was a sound box on the ear.

In other news, there was a run on chocolate rabbits, so I've bought one for everyone, if you take "everyone" to mean myself, Lulu, Bart, and Jones.
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