A survey Lulu posted ages ago

Feb 24, 2007 15:56

1. Hi, my name is: Psmith; the P is silent.

2. Never in my life have I: died.

3. The one person/thing that drives me nuts is: I don't think I'm particularly easy to annoy; I prefer to find amusement in whatever I can.  I'll admit that Doctor House isn't all that easy to be entertained by, but my interactions with that gentleman have been mercifully limited.

4. High school was: an excellent place for learning things which were not on the curriculum, and a rather poor place for learning the things which were.

5. When I'm nervous: I fidget.

6. The last time I cried was: I didn't.

7. If I were to get married right now my ideal wedding would be: That's a bit of a leading question.  You see, I'm not all that keen on the idea of getting married right now, and so my ideal wedding would be not having a wedding at all, which is self-contradictory.

8. My hair is: black.

9. When I was 5: it was blond.

10. Last Christmas: was a nice pleasant time.

11. I should be: reading my Sherlock Holmes, but every time I pick it up I find myself distracted.

12. When I look down I see: a rather uninteresting stretch of wooden floorboards.  Perhaps I should ought to obtain a rug.

13. The craziest recent event was: Life is but a string of crazy events held together by long stretches of boredom, it seems.

14. If I were a character on 'Friends' I'd be: I haven't the foggiest.

15. By this time next year: I may have finally finished that Conan Doyle book.

16. My current worry is: whether I shall ever discover who's been smashing those busts of Napoleon, and to what purpose.

17. I have a hard time understanding: German.

18. There's this girl I know who: is delightful and delovely in every detail.

19. You know I am mad when: "You can't help that.  We're all mad here.  I'm mad.  You're mad."  "How do you know I'm mad?"  "You must be, or you wouldn't have come here."

20. If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be: Lulu.

21. Take my advice: never admit to anything, even in the face of overwhelming evidence.

22. My most wanted item is: I'd like to borrow someone's car and practice my driving, but that's not really an item.

23. If you visited the place I was born: you'd wonder how on earth anything interesting could have emerged therefrom.

24. I plan to visit: Montréal again, it seems.

25. If you spend the night at my house while my parents are gone: You'd be much harder-pressed to spend the night in their presence.

26. I'd (have) drop(ped) out of high school if: I was superannuated from Eton, but that's entirely different.

27. The world could do without: bishops, I believe, serve little purpose in the Natural Order.  You couldn't get rid of spiders without upsetting the food chain, but bishops are neither predator nor prey, and thus fair game.  Additionally, they wear silly hats.

28. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: go courting with a predatory mantis.

29. Most recent thing I've bought myself: I went to the grocer's yesterday and stocked the pantry.  If we interpret "most recent" to be the thing which was rung up last, then I suppose (upon referring to the receipt) it is an onion.

30. Most recent thing someone else bought me: some chocolates.

31. My favorite blonde is: Lulu.

32. My favorite brunette is: Obviously I need to answer Marlowe.

33. My favorite redhead is: I don't believe I currently know any ginger persons.

34. My middle name(s) is: Eustace.  Isn't it horrid?  I don't choose to go by Rupert, but that's not truly out of a particular dislike for the name (although I do believe there are better names to have, and sometimes wonder why they couldn't have gone in for something simple and traditional, along the lines of Jonathan, although on the other hand I would then be prey to those who would wish to call me Johnny upon the briefest acquaintance, although even that would be better than Ruru, but I digress) -- more a general preference for the vousvoyer form of nomenclature.  On the other hand, if my parents had switched the order up and named me Eustace Rupert then I'd really be in the soup.

35. This morning I: was asleep until noon.

36. The animals I would like to see flying besides birds are: elephants.  Although on second thought the potential damage to the countryside resulting from a flock of airborne elephants passing overhead would be absolutely devastating, so perhaps it's for the best that they are unable.

37. Once, at a party: there was a dreadful row.

38. Last night I was: at home.

39. There's this guy I know: who brews an excellent warm beverage, whether your wishes be coffee or tea.

40. I don't know: why I'm writing this instead of reading my story.
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