Well, I haven’t updated in forever. I have had no energy lately. A few weeks ago I caught some sort of not-quite-flu thing that had me feeling like crap. I actually used some sick time and took a half-day, which I never do. Since then I’ve had a continuing slight cold or something that keeps coming and going. We keep passing illness back and forth at work but I have been lucky since everyone else has been hit really bad (like antibiotics bad). It’s not enough for me to take sick leave but all I do is work and sleep. I get home and just crash, which is bad since I have stuff to do (like return phone calls from weeks and weeks ago-sorry
celestelle_rose!). My home is covered in a fine layer of filth since I have not had the energy to clean either. I’m sure that will really help my immune system recover. haha
Let me see, what has transpired since last I spoke.
Mardi Gras: I went to a few parades. Krewe d’Etat was awesome and shocking/hilarious as always. I finally caught one of the skull medallion beads that light up. I can now die a happy girl. I went with
katnip21 and her friend Jason, who was freaked out by the ghettoness of the area we stand in. Everyone I bring there seems to be unnerved by the location but I always feel fine. That stretch of St. Charles is fine, with well-lit businesses and all, and during Mardi Gras there is always a couple cops stationed right on that corner. Normally I would never walk back the two blocks where I park my car during parades since it looks like crack den central, but during carnival season there are always so many people around that I do not worry. Oh well. I also went to Bacchus just to see Sean Astin and Elijah Wood (woo hoo!). As usual the crowds enraged me though. I always seem to come up against the most annoying people at Bacchus, but that is b/c they have big stars to draw in all sorts of annoying, pushy people that other parades might not get.
Numa Re No Con: I went to an anime convention held across the river in February. What can I say about it...Um...Not so great. It was free so that’s awesome but since I could only make it at night all the dealers were closed. That left me watching some people play video games, which would be fun if I cared, or watching people play DDR, which is fun but there was no room for me to stand and watch, or watching a random anime, but Sandy Sue thought it was stupid and it really was. Then I was forced through the torture of the cosplay contest, which made me writhe in pain. It’s not that the outfits were bad, since some were amazingly good. But the participants had to also act out a skit, which was amazingly bad. Some people seemed to have not known this and so their “skits” were just them saying what character they were portraying; those were my favorites. The ones that had prepared skits fell flat and were not helped by the fact that no one knew how to use a microphone. The problem is that I tend to feel embarrassment for people as if it were my own. They may be fine with making fools of themselves but I’m the one that suffers. It’s not like I even know these people but I can’t stand to see even total strangers look like idiots. I had to look away more than once during that contest.
Movies: Let see, I’ve seen The Wedding Date. It wasn’t that great. I mean, I could totally believe that a male hooker and a prim lady could fall in love but the story just didn’t let me believe it. There were no details or incidents to explain why they would change their lives and fall in love. It must say something about me that I could even believe such a far-fetched plot in the first place. I am very good at my suspension of disbelief. I also saw Constantine, the movie adaption of Hell Blazer with Keanu Reeves. All he had to do was look serious and wear a suit, which Keanu can handle just fine. I thought it was pretty good, but then I love demon/angel/psychic type movies. I just saw The Pacifier staring Vin Diesel this weekend. Let’s just say that the towel scene makes it all worthwhile. The wonderful, wonderful towel scene...
On that note I will prepare to take my lunch break and read my romance novel. I usually don’t read romances but then I read this book I randomly picked up at a used bookstore since it was about werewolves and assassins and stuff. It turns out that it is considered a "paranormal romance" and so now I’m delving into the romance section in my quest for good vampire/werewolf/paranormal type books. I still don’t understand all the distinctions though, since I have many books that deal with this stuff and some are considered horror, some sci-fi, some mystery and now some romance. It’s so confusing but I am willing to spend that extra hour in the bookstore searching for my title, and if I leave with five more books I discovered along the way then so be it.