The sheer number of poseboxes is scary. I could never do that, but the results are so good!
Shame on you for torturing Zane. Why don't you buy the poor boy a bathtub and a toilet? It is clearly making him sad. As for Tina--I'm awfully sorry for him. I knew this was coming and that her life couldn't be spared forever.
The Goopy plot and the scene with Zachary--I know how that is. Sometimes scenes and whole plot threads just hit the cutting room floor. I can think of plenty myself. Usually the effect is better anyway--more streamlined, less is more, and so on. But as the author, you know what was going to go there and sometimes it seems annoyingly incomplete. I was going to do way more stuff with Cassidy (Vetinari) (Marius) (Jacquet), and then I didn't, but that was ok, in the end, because for Cass, less drama is good.
I love Ceres' expressions. She is so obviously Cassius' kid. I've had a lot of one nice point sims in my game, but none who look so relentlessly cranky, even with a happy expression. And I can't help it: I am perversely proud of him. I've only ever had two Sim kids, and he is my favorite.
Alexander IS an entitled douche. He is far better as a girl, trust me. Why isn't he thrilled to let Cecil kick him out of his ancestral home? Not everyone gets that privilege.
Augh. See what happened with Zane's house is when I last did a rebuild, I had evicted him from the house in the old 'hood and THEN backed it up. I thought I had the Stay-Things shrub and it turned out I didn't. So his house is completely empty save for the living room, the kitchen, and his and Tina's bedroom. I haven't actually PLAYED him in ages, so I never felt the need to fully furnish his house. Truth be told, the world according to Sim!Zane went like this:
Move into new house. Made Perma-Plat. A TON OF PEOPLE DIED! WTFBBQ?! Get engaged. INHERITANCE FROM DISTANT RELATIVES! WooHoo for the first time (because it was a rebuild). Get married in underwear. TINA DIED!! D: D: I think everything happened in the same Sim day, poor guy.
Less is totally more in some instances. It also makes it easier for me to write. Fewer pages=less intimidating.
Oh God yeah, Ceres looks a LOT like Cassius. Except she's also a LOT nicer (7 Nice). And I agree about Cassius: he ALWAYS looks cranky, even when he's being romantic or telling jokes. He amuses me.
Ya'know, I should have it where Cecil sends Alexander a bill. He's famous enough to demand that people pay to have his autograph.
Shame on you for torturing Zane. Why don't you buy the poor boy a bathtub and a toilet? It is clearly making him sad. As for Tina--I'm awfully sorry for him. I knew this was coming and that her life couldn't be spared forever.
The Goopy plot and the scene with Zachary--I know how that is. Sometimes scenes and whole plot threads just hit the cutting room floor. I can think of plenty myself. Usually the effect is better anyway--more streamlined, less is more, and so on. But as the author, you know what was going to go there and sometimes it seems annoyingly incomplete. I was going to do way more stuff with Cassidy (Vetinari) (Marius) (Jacquet), and then I didn't, but that was ok, in the end, because for Cass, less drama is good.
I love Ceres' expressions. She is so obviously Cassius' kid. I've had a lot of one nice point sims in my game, but none who look so relentlessly cranky, even with a happy expression. And I can't help it: I am perversely proud of him. I've only ever had two Sim kids, and he is my favorite.
Alexander IS an entitled douche. He is far better as a girl, trust me. Why isn't he thrilled to let Cecil kick him out of his ancestral home? Not everyone gets that privilege.
Move into new house. Made Perma-Plat. A TON OF PEOPLE DIED! WTFBBQ?! Get engaged. INHERITANCE FROM DISTANT RELATIVES! WooHoo for the first time (because it was a rebuild). Get married in underwear. TINA DIED!! D: D: I think everything happened in the same Sim day, poor guy.
Less is totally more in some instances. It also makes it easier for me to write. Fewer pages=less intimidating.
Oh God yeah, Ceres looks a LOT like Cassius. Except she's also a LOT nicer (7 Nice). And I agree about Cassius: he ALWAYS looks cranky, even when he's being romantic or telling jokes. He amuses me.
Ya'know, I should have it where Cecil sends Alexander a bill. He's famous enough to demand that people pay to have his autograph.
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