A drabble and 10 pictures under the cut :)
“You did what?!”
“I got married.”
“Why? Why did you get married? Why are you always doing shit like this?”
“Watch your language, please, especially when you’re talking to me.”
“Whatever. Why did you have to get married? You don’t even like red heads!”
“I actually happen to like this red head very much.”
“Unbelievable. Why? Why?”
“Because you know the new law that’s been passed. For me to become a citizen, I have to marry a one of the native citizens.”
“So it’s just a marriage of convenience. Figures.”
“No, actually it’s not. I do enjoy her company and she enjoys mine. It‘s hard to ignore the three bolt attraction. Can you ignore yours with your own wife?”
“So you’re never going to leave, are you? You’re always going to follow me everywhere I go. You’re constantly going to watch and judge everything that I do. And the worst part is, people think that you’re around to help and support me. But you know what? I don’t need you. I don’t want you. Why can’t you just leave me alone?”
“I know that you will find this very hard to believe, but the world doesn’t revolve around you. Did you honestly expect me to sit around and do nothing and essentially remain asexual? How would you like it if that were you?”
“Next thing you’re going to tell me is that she’s pregnant.”
“Really? Really?”
“Yes, really.”
“I’m not calling her ‘Mom.’”
“I don’t expect you to.”
“My kids aren’t calling her ‘Grandma.’”
“She would really appreciate it if they didn’t.”
“Un-frickin-believable. You’re impossible!”
“It could have been worse, you know.”
“No. I really don’t think it could possibly be worse.”
“I could have called and told you that I got married to Marina.”
Spencer chuckled as Rhys hung up on him.
This is making reference to some plot developments that will be coming up in the next chapter such as immigration laws and the banning of Elixir. It comes down to the fact that Spencer *wouldn't* leave and he would do everything possible to stay close to his family. That includes marrying a Pleasantview native if necessary.
So, I got him married to Nina Caliente, They have three bolts for each other and they don't even have matching TO/TOs.
And my policy is this: If I'm marrying 'em, I'm breeding 'em.
Rhys, by the way, has a really bad habit of coming around when people are giving birth. I think he's part of a one man coalition called "Red Head Patrol."
In my last chapter, I needed Aravis and Fleetwood to be babies, but they were already toddlers in my game. So I aged them up and made them produce clone babies to film (So, actually, the red head baby that Eden was calling Aravis was actually a boy, and the brown haired baby that Rhys was calling Fleetwood was actually a girl). Rhys was on hand to watch those births as well.
Spencer and Nina had a baby girl named Anna.
I gave Spencer the red hair recessive and light blue eyes (as when I looked at his stats it said that he either had gray or light blue as a recessive). I also gave Nina a blond recessive seeing as her sister has blond hair.
So, Anna Fitzhugh has a geneticized skintone (not purely S1), with S1 and green eyes on recessive.
It's really hard to tell whose features she got other than The Nose. I'm pretty sure she got Nina's mouth.
So. Another red head with The Nose. My cup runneth over :)
The marriage itself won't be a major plot point. It will be mentioned, yes. Anna will be growing up with the rest of Generation Six, yes. But Spencer will be staying, and aging, and eventually dying because I like to have a valid reason why he'd stay when everyone else is leaving. Besides, he's pretty and it would be a shame to let those pretty genetics go to waste :)
I have another house to play now because I need to catch Anna up with the rest of Gen 6. Oh, and yes, Spencer, Nina, and Anna are living in the house that Malcolm/Frances/Karen recently vacated. Heh, that means that Spencer went from living across the street from the main house to living next door to the main house. Immigration laws aren't getting rid of the Fitzhughs that easily :)
That is all. I should go and finish out my rotation. This new development is a good thing. It made me load up my game and actually *play* it for the first time in over a month! Yay!