Hi Sebastian! Thanks for totally changing out of your assigned outfit and into ugly Elder clothes AFTER you died. *grumble* It was my fault for getting rid of the hack without meaning to. But still. Thankfully I rarely show the ghosts in my story because I'm not resurrecting them and killing them off again just to change their clothes. That always makes Zane and Lillian sad pandas.
Yes, Rhys, we all know what you think of Eden.
*sigh* Yes, Eden. Rhys and I both know what you like about him.
I jest, of course. I really adore these two. I thought Sebastian and Kitty were bad. Heck, I thought Zane and Tina were bad! No, these two are on the stalker level of Zane and Lenore (whom I've had the pleasure of observing in a different 'hood). I'm constantly having to pry these two apart with a crowbar. They are always rolling wants for each other as well as rolling wants to 'hoo in all the available areas, so it was easy to keep them platinum until they got their LTWs (of which they achieved the other day).
Okay, I'll admit that I'm a huge show off. I'm really damn proud of how these pictures looked so I want to show them again in their original size. I really hated having to shrink them down for the update:
(This one is my favorite)
This one was the hardest. Their faces are actually glitched into each other, but Eden's hair covers that. Rhys is doing a pose from a Lover's pose box, but the female pose that accompanies it made her arms glitch into his shoulders. I didn't like that. So, after trying a whole bunch of other poses from different boxes (and even resorting to the Stretch Skeleton cheat on Rhys) I finally settled on the Tip Jar animation for Eden. I use that animation ALL THE TIME, in case you were wondering. If you ever see my Sims in a pose that you don't recognize, it's probably the Tip Jar one.
What I really would like to get across with these two is that they are having this grand love affair...without the word "love" ever being used. Oh, yes, Eden indeed loves him, and it's assumed that he loves her back. But, because Rhys is Rhys, he doesn't say it: he shows it. Eden won't say it to him, because she doesn't want to put him on the spot. So, expect a lot of PDA going on while these two are around.
Anyway, time for a secret: I'm also lazy. All the posed pictures above were taken at the same place. The ones for the media were taken outside, just at different angles or with different backgrounds. The ones inside were all taken in the same room-a small room at that.
They aren't naked, I swear! It's just that his undies match the couch. But, yeah, Rhys' "apartment" (in a dummy 'hood of course) didn't even have a bathroom. Or stairs. Or doors leading to the outside. If Rhys would have started a fire when he made the pancakes, he and Eden would have been screwed.
This is in the same building. I do that a lot. I'll find a cool looking building that looks great on the neighborhood view, and then convert it into a house (if said building is a community lot or apartment). Then I'll move my Sims around, in and out, if the people on the lot exceeds the 8 Sim limit (as I don't have the hack that allows for more). Again, this is all in a dummy 'hood. I have these same buildings in my real one and they are zoned properly.
These two are for the lulz. Yes, I was the one who made the sekrit about Komei Tellerman looking like Robert Pattinson. The other vampires just had their Twilight counterpart names and are just face templates. Alice is Face One, Jasper is Remington Face (whatever template number that is) and Rosalie and Emmett are Face Two templates. It's really the clothes and hair that made them somewhat identifiable.
Two major things happened in the last part: Vaughn & Laurana's reconciliation/engagement/wedding and Zane & Tina's engagement.
First, Zane and Tina:
I really wish the game had more yellow toned lights. You would think that all of the candles would have it, but they don't. So, I had to set candles on the ground, out of sight, to create the romantic lighting that the candles on the table *should* have had. Oh, and yes, don't mind Zane eating like a slob. Again, it's one of those "I have a 5 in something, so I can do either the Neat eat animation or the Sloppy eat animation. Guess who is deciding to be difficult today?" Tina looks lees than impressed.
So, not only did I have to force create romantic lighting, I also had to remove all the other dining chairs as my Sims have a tendency to choose the most wrong chairs to sit in for romantic scenes. And then, on top of that...
It decided to rain and lightning struck not only the tree next to their house...
But also the sidewalk. *shrugs* I don't know, there was nothing there, but I was very upset because of this:
The fire showed through the wall right in the middle of the proposal scene. Fortunately, the rain put it out right away so it was only that one picture ruined. I wouldn't have used it anyway seeing as Zane's elbow is in the middle of his plate.
I *know* what *some* people will say about the lightning striking being a sign (PROF! I'm looking at YOU), but Zane is seriously so very happy :)
After the proposal, I needed SJ to come over so I could film the one picture of him when he "first" visited Zane. This is what happened:
SJ: I'm awesome.
Zane: I agree.
Zane: Okay, we got that one picture done. Um, if you don't mind...(notice the bed icon in the upper corner)
Zane: Anyway, yeah, if you don't mind, my fiance appears to be waiting for me.
(I *do not* have ACR anymore. They both did autonomously go into the bed to "relax." That Zane, he's very subtle about what he wants.)
SJ: No, I don't mind at all. I'll just go into the room where Ruth and Jezebel are hiding and show them how manly I am with a chest pound.
Tina: I love you Zane. It's a shame that you had to change out of your tux.
Zane: Fortunately for you, I'm magic!
SJ: Hey guys, what's going on? Oh. Oops. My bad. NOW YOU KNOW IT FEELS WHEN *YOU* INTERRUPT THINGS, ZANE!
Actually, he came in right after. I would have *loved* to get a shocked look from SJ, but alas, it was not meant to be.
Zane: See? I don't have wings, but I can still fly.
Spider: Doesn't count.
Because I want ring continuity, I exited Zane's lot after they SJ left and went to Spider's garden and summoned Zane there. I don't have much BTS for that stuff. Zane playing with the fountain was, once again, a tip jar animation, and him sniffing the flowers was actually him asking Spider to play red hands. Then I froze him and placed him on an angled OMSP.
I added another newspaper thief to my neighborhood. And that's all I will say about that.
After filming the bit in Spider's Garden, I went back to Zane's home lot and fulfilled a wish that Zane's had FOREVER!
Classy underwear wedding will NOT be the wedding that happens in the update, obviously. I just thought I'd show this because people mentioned on De's BTS that very rarely do we see Zane wearing less than long sleeves. So, have some pictures of shirtless Zane. But, man oh man, he doesn't look nearly as buff here as he did in De's. It *has* to be the skin default, because Zane is maximum fit in my game.
BEHOLD ONE OF THE ONLY PICTURES OF ZANE HEART BARFING SOMEONE! Seriously, this is like a Bigfoot sighting or something.
Moving on.
In the legacy 'hood, Vaughn was moved into the Lewis house right after graduation. He was actually present for all of Laurana's moping.
I just had to keep him occupied so he wouldn't ruin any shots. Mainly, he spent his time skilling as he was only given five skill points in everything so he could get through college. His LTW is to be a Visionary, BTW.
After I had everything that I needed filmed in the Lewis house, as well as the stuff in Veronaville, they tied the knot for realz.
I try very hard to keep rings consistent. It wouldn't do to have Laurana wearing a wedding ring when she's Bella Swaning it all over the place. And after the wedding...
On the first try. I *knew* he was going to give me natural twins. When I was filming their stuff in Veronaville he had that *look* in his eye. That look that said, "I know that this is just a duplicate version of me for story, but just so you know, I'm giving you twins." I laughed, especially since (as all of you know) Rhys and Eden had twins. Though *theirs* were cheesecaked, intentionally.
Verona Village was a downloaded apartment community that I had repainted and converted into a residential lot. I toyed with the idea of keeping it as an apartment (for the extra residents) but in the end, I decided against it. I knew I had too many staged shots happening outside which I wouldn't have been able to set up due to the apartment restrictions: you can't place items outside of the apartment. Seeing as I pose and freeze my Sims, it registers them as objects, not even counting the OMSPs they have to be placed on.
The entire "small wedding" thing, while it fit with Laurana's Shyness, was also done because I could only have eight people on the lot. Ceres, Vaughn's sister (Cassius and De's daughter in my game) couldn't attend because it would have exceed the limit. Oh well.
I rarely set my Sims' personalities and Aspirations properly in photo shoot 'hoods. This was an exception because I knew I wanted a lot of Free Will interactions during the wedding. I also linked everyone properly, Family Tree-wise.
It's habitual for me to clear memory trash with the Batbox, even in a dummy 'hood. Awww, First Kiss :)
And where is the rest of the family?
Yeah. They are pretty special. So, I had to place them in other buildings and lock them in there. Because I didn't want any fights to break out, I had them paired off and in separate buildings.
Rhys looked like he was in his own private hell.
Ashley and Aviendha decided to go outside and toss a football, despite the fact that I didn't want them visible.
Cassius and De won the "We're a couple in love so we're going to act like it!" award. Yeah. Because you know what Vaughn and Laurana, the target couple were doing?
*sigh* So, I turned Free Will off.
I was getting so frustrated. No matter how many times I used the Weather thing, it refused to rain. I thought having Laurana outside, crying, in the rain and Vaughn coming out with an umbrella would have been so...movie like. I even thought I could get away with just using these pictures anyway, but I didn't. You can *tell* when it's raining in a picture. For the life of me, I had no idea what was going on. I unfroze time, I made sure everyone who used the weather machine was platinum and I even tried the Batbox (which didn't even give me rain options). FRUSTRATION! The entire scene needed to be refilmed sans umbrella.
This was something that I didn't notice until later and you guys probably wouldn't have noticed at all: The walls weren't all the way up for the proposal scene. It was fine in their area, but the buildings outside all had their walls down. Sloppy, Ang, sloppy.
Laurana was swooning over Spencer, Aviendha was swooning over Rhys, and De was swooning over...CASSIUS! THE PERSON SHE'S SUPPOSED TO SWOON OVER! Yay, De!
And then Vaughn started to look a little uncomfortable (and feel a little left out) when Laurana promptly swooned over Rhys after their ceremony.
SimDe: YAY! Rhys, our baby's getting married! Well, *one* of our babies!
SimDe: Yay! Spencer! Your grandbaby is getting married. One of your many, many, MANY grandbabies! *And* he's not getting married to a close relative! Isn't that FANTASTIC!
SimDe: Happy! Happy! Happy! *\o/* Cassius, isn't this...
SimDe: Cassius! You could be a bit more enthusiastic!
Yeah. This wasn't creepy. Not at all.
Unfortunately, this is the only picture of Spencer participating in the wedding festivities. Why?
Because he and Cassius were too busy talking, gossiping, and trading dirty jokes. Rhys is probably glad he wasn't near them.
SimDe: Rhys, do you think it's a good time to start sharing stories with Laurana?
Rhys: Well...
Vaughn: It will *never* be a good time to start sharing!
Rhys: The Nose, Vaughn. Pass on The Nose. Make sure she has twins because that's twice the chance to pass it on.
Vaughn: Well, we can only have one pregnancy. So, the chances of twins is pretty unlikely.
Rhys: What part of "virile" are you not understanding?
Rhys: Oh, and before I forget...
Vaughn: Oh, dear God...
Rhys: Red heads. Have a couple of red heads. I know you have them in you.
Vaughn: *facepalm* I need more champagne I think.
So, that's all I have that I can show at this moment. I have most of the next chapter filmed and it's all arranged (and some parts even written). I would have had ALL of the next chapter if I didn't have to refilm Zane's wedding: I completely forgot to add Remington to the wedding party. *sigh*
Hope you liked it :)