rosefyre tagged me for Tina Traveller so I figured I give it a go.
1. Tina is not short for Christina, despite what a lot of people might think. Her parents weren't sure if they should spell her name with a C or with a K (to be unconventional) and then just settled of naming her what people would call her anyway. They also didn't bother with a middle name. She thinks her name is rather plain.
2. She loves bright colors: the brighter the better. She has no sense of taste when it comes to decorations and has a child-like view when it comes to picking things out. Often times she'll fawn over gaudy items that most people would consider junk because they are beautiful in her eyes. She'll never say anything about it to Zane, but the fact that he tends to decorate in neutral, earthy tones irritates her. The Dead Realm is colorless enough, she feels.
3. She also likes to dress in bright colors even though some of those colors might not look right on her. She has no sense of clothing style and she never learned how to put makeup on right (her mother never wore any).
4. She snaps her bubblegum and enjoys making huge bubbles. More than once she's had to clean gum out of her bangs.
5. Alexander Goth pressured her into having sex with him. She did (he was her first) and he broke up with her a few days later. She sometimes wishes that she could go back in time and change that fact because if she did, she might not have gone down the path that led her to the Dead Realm.
6. She had a very hard pregnancy with Karen. Because she's very short and slim, her hips were too narrow. She wouldn't have been able to have any more children after Karen had she lived long enough to want to have more children.
7. She adores Zane in my game (and finally in my story). While he is content to spend equal amounts of time with her, Ruth, Jezebel and Remington (obviously none of the others in a romantic light, and Remington has yet to join the household in the story), Tina very rarely talks to any of the other housemates and constantly stalks him for romantic socials. In fact, I have to cancel a lot of Zane's queue (Ruth and Jezebel like to play catch) so he can interact with her. He has yet to complain.
8. Tina is very aware of the fact that she's rough around the edges in most things. She can never find the right way to talk properly so she often times ends up putting her foot in her mouth. She's also not very graceful. She's not clumsy (like Bella Swan), but she doesn't walk with her head up high and she kind of walks with her shoulders hunched over. She's very envious of Legacy children because they seem to have a natural bearing and it appears that they handle all things with ease.
9. She does truly wish that Zane would have been Karen's father. She wishes that they would have gone "all the way" the night they made out. She's come to realize his worth and she's so happy that he takes a special interest in her daughter despite the fact that another man is the father.
10. More than anything else, she love bright, pretty flowers. The Dead Realm doesn't have any that grow naturally, so she loves the fact that Zane had a little greenhouse built for her. The two of them can often be found puttering around in it, under the sun lamps.
People I'm tagging:
profbutters - Lenore Midlock
dicreasy - Anthony Smith
dumdeedumdumdum - Sister Clara
smoothiesims - Mya Fitzhugh
fireflowersims - Vaughn Fitzhugh