The family computer doesn't have flash player (and my dad won't install it for some reason) so I'm going to have to wait until I can get ahold of my brother's laptop to read the update. D: I am in such suspense!
That computer's lacking a whole lot of things. Dad's got this sudden phobia about cluttering computers with programs or something, idk. I asked him to install it and he was like "Why should I have it on there?" Parents. I've got my brother's now, though, and am about to go read the update!
*facepalm* I was thinking your legacy was uploaded to a different site because normally Slideshare presentations that are embedded in lj entries still have plain links outside them that'll take me to actual Slideshare pages (which is how I've been reading other people's updates, because I have to go do "get file" and it'll open them on my computer as power points) but yours doesn't, so I assumed you were hosting it elsewhere and couldn't figure out where. Rose came to my rescue though, so now it is all good and I am about to read it once and for all!
Yeah, for some reason, when I try to embed the link, it's all sideways and the buttons on the bottom disappear making it so a person can't full screen it. So, I have to adjust the size of the embedding, which drops the links. *shrug*
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