Working on Chapter

Sep 25, 2009 10:46

The worst part about working on a new chapter, for me, is looking for decent photos and making the story coherent.  I took a zillion pictures (number possibly exaggerated), but a lot of them are out of sync with the other kids' ages and such.  So, the weird thing is, it feels like the chapter is really about nothing except aging Generation Five to teenagers (you know, the age where they can start using the pose boxes); BUT, the chapter is going to run long.  There's some plot stuff, but most of it is Zane, and I am really reluctant to keep him in the forefront when a lot of the main focus should be on the heirs and such.  I really don't want people getting tired of him because he's been over exposed, know what I mean?  However, I want to move the plot with Tina along, as well as officially introduce Thaddeus because some of the scenes in the following chapter relies upon some forward movement in this current one.

I also have a terrible habit of playing kids really fast because they don't do anything interesting except for skill grind and homework.  That's another problem I've been having:  my sims won't autonomously interact with each other often.  They prefer to play on the piano, pool table, train table, and blow on the bubble blower.  Except for Sebastian and Kitty, who on top of those activities, stalk and smoochy face with each other.  Thank God for Macrotastics/Socialize Friends, but that only applies to people not living in the house.  Goopy has a relationship with Eden that's something like 30/20, if that high.  Of course, that'll stay the way it is.  But, I have one picture of Kitty interacting with Eden.  One!  And I can't even use it because it's out of sync and the lighting is bad!

Bah.  I'm just frustrated.  The chapter seems shallow, but I really haven't written anything yet, so I just have the brief captions in my head when I look at the pictures.  I'm sure once I get to the actual writing bit, it'll flesh out.  That's my hope anyway.

But, I have a couple of amusing pictures that won't make the chapter that I'll share with you :)

Ashley:  Xander, I think this really needs to be said:  Aviendha, your precious daughter, is smokin' hot!  It's because of us and our three bolt attraction to each other that the author had to turn off ACR completely.  We would rather starve to death in a puddle of our own urine than spend more than one moment not connected to each other's faces!

Xander:  Ashley, I'm TOTALLY just coming to grips with the idea of you being my son-in-law.  Please don't ruin it.

Zane:  Aunt Kitty is HOT!  I CAN HAZ WOOHOO NAO?

No Zane, you may not.  That is just wrong on so many levels.

Mary:  I'm stuck in the cabinet!  Oh, this is not perky, pretty, nor perfect!

Zane:  Well, then, Aviendha is HOT!  PLZ I CAN HAZ WOOHOO?

Aviendha:  Um, aren't we like cousins or something?  First cousins once removed?

Zane:  I don't see any flags!

Aviendha:  Mm,hm.  *add to friend zone on ACR*

Like Aviendha should talk...

Aviendha:  Amelia's dad is HOT!

Zane:  YAY!  I'm talking to someone who is not wearing pants!

Keith:  Pants Embargo.  That is all.

Aviendha is a classic case of secondary aspiration (Romance) overriding the the primary one (Family), by the way.  She rolls a whole lot of "flirt with so-and-so" wants.  Zane, as it has been shown before, was tested out in a different neighborhood.  When he's in a committed relationship, he remains loyal.  However, he's only in love with Tina, there are no rings on the fingers, so he's just everywhere with his heart farts.  He has heart farted every single female in my game who was over the age of teenager.  He's a mess.

Goopy:  So I understand that you are a man who is in love.

Zane:  Why, yes! Yes, I am.  I love Tina very much.  But, I also think that Ruth is hot!  Jezebel is hot!  Kitty is hot!  Aviendha is hot!  Amelia is hot!  The author is hot!

Goopy:  ... Indeed.  Well I am in love, too!

Zane:  Well, of course you are!  With my cousin, Mary!

Goopy:  Who?  No, I'm in love with Grilled Cheese.  And you have 9 Nice points, so you have to listen to me talk about it!

Zane:  Grilled Cheese?  Really, you want to talk about Grilled Cheese.  There is nobody else in the house who will...

Zane:  I mean, yay!  Grilled...Cheese.  Yes...I want to hear all about it.  *prays for someone to save him*

Goopy:  Yep.  So why don't we sit down and make ourselves comfortable while I tell you all about my grand love affair with spoiled milk from a cow.

Zane:  *sigh*

BTW:  I changed Zane's secondary Aspiration to Knowledge for the people who downloaded him and have Free Time.  He's the Grim Reaper, so making money (Fortune) makes no sense anymore.  In fact, making money never made sense for his character.  He's the child of a spare, so...I get to change it :)

No exact timeline as to when the chapter will be complete; but I do hope to have this one, as well as the next one, finished by October 24th, which is the one year anniversary for the Devereaux Legacy.  I can't believe it's been almost a year!  I always vowed to never do a serial story as I always claimed that I never had the attention span.  And here I am, halfway through a published legacy with plans for another challenge with Zane when this is all over.  I shouldn't be this proud of myself, yet here I am...well...proud :)

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