So one of the fans on my computer has started to make a grinding sound. It's stopped for now, but I've been through enough computers to know that usually that's a sign that it will be nearing its end fairly soon. That is if dusting the inside doesn't work. I haven't cracked open the case on the bad boy since I got it over two years ago. But either way, it's over two years old which is positively ANCIENT for a computer.
Knowing that I probably won't be nearly as lucky as I was the last time (the motherboard fried on the last one, but the hard drive was fine. I was able to pull it out and stick it on a front docking bay of the new computer and grab everything off of it) I pulled all my pertinent Devereaux files (neighborhoods, downloads, chapters, drabbles) and put it all on a 16GB thumb drive which is on my keychain.
So now I'm looking at this fairly small thing and realizing that over four years of work is on it and I sort of feel like this:
How can something so small hold so much, you know? Ah, the age we live in. I remember back in THE day when I was backing up all my CC files on 700 MB CDs.
That is all. Just thought I'd share :)