Aug 14, 2012 15:05

Guess what I got to do today?

For the first time in almost a full YEAR, I got to load up my REAL neighborhood!

I'm not going to play much because I really can't.  I still have about one more chapter to write and film before I can feel comfortable playing ahead a bit more.  But I needed to make some cosmetic changes to my Sims and the Devereaux house; changes that I had made in my backup 'hood and I needed my real house to be consistent.

The foyer, in the actual house, was undecorated.  Quinn's bedroom and bathroom were empty (though I suppose it was unnecessary to furnish those rooms because nobody will be entering them for quite some time).  I needed to hang up pictures and put in doors and stuff like that. Erin's outfit needed to be changed, Erin and Eden's engagement rings needed to be changed, and everyone's wedding rings needed to be reset to the new silver defaults.  Spencer's house needs to reflect the redecorating I showed in the last chapter and Cassandra Goth needs to be moved to a new house because...well let's just say that Cassandra will be appearing a bit more in the upcoming chapters :D

All of this so I can make a new copy of the 'hood for backup so I can film the upcoming chapters.

Man.  It all sounds like work.

Doesn't matter!  I got to load REAL N004!.  Let's see how Rhys and Eden feel about that.

Yeah.  About as much as I expected.  Nothing has changed here.

Rhys' want panel isn't much of a surprise.

And, strangely enough, neither is Eden's.  Inappropriate (and I just made sure that Puck and Eden were Friend Zoned) but about par for the course.  Her perpetual "Have a Baby" want in the backup 'hood was really, really starting to make me feel bad.

But!  Best of all!  I got to spend a little bit with this little guy:

Hrm.  Not so much.


Oh!  And while I'm thinking about it, I should go change SimAng's blush...

That's all.  I'm just excited and thought I would share.

sims 2, devereaux legacy, randomness

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